Study Weeks and other Congresses Proceedings
The series “Atti delle Settimane di Studi e altri Convegni” gathers the contributions presented at the annual conferences organized by the Istituto “F. Datini “, later Fondazione.
The first volume, published in 1974, features the proceedings of the First Study Week, held in 1969.
The first 13 volumes were published years after the corresponding “Settimane” and were not printed in chronological order. Starting with n. 19 (1988) it became customary to publish the “Atti” the year following that of the conference.
By simply glancing through the list of titles featured in the series one can easily acknowledge the wide variety of themes covered during the Settimane. According to the vocation of the Istituto these topics focus on the pre-industrial period, while being at the same time still thoroughly current.
Showing 1–12 of 46 results
50. Reti marittime come fattori dell’integrazione europea – Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration (OPEN ACCESS)
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50. Reti marittime come fattori dell’integrazione europea – Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration
30,00 € Add to cart -
49. Gestione dell’acqua in Europa (XII-XVIII Secc.) • Water Management in Europe (12th-18th Centuries)
30,00 € Add to cart -
48. I prezzi delle cose nell'età preindustriale • The prices of the things in Pre-industrial Times
65,00 € Read moreESAURITO -
47. Le crisi finanziarie: Gestione, implicazioni sociali e conseguenze nell’età preindustriale • The Financial Crises: Their Management, Their Social Implications and Their Consequences in Pre-industrial Times
65,00 € Read moreESAURITO -
46. Il commercio al minuto. Domanda e offerta tra economia formale e informale. Secc. XIII-XVIII • Retail Trade. Supply and demand in the formal and informal economy from the 13th to the 18th centuries.
65,00 € Read moreESAURITO -
45. Schiavitù e servaggio nell’economia europea secc. XI-XVIII • Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th-18th centuries
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44. Assistenza e solidarietà in Europa secc. XIII-XVIII. • Social assistance and solidarity in Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries
15,00 € Add to cart -
43. Religione e istituzioni religiose nell’economia europea. 1000-1800 • Religion and religious institutions in European economy. 1000-1800
15,00 € Add to cart -
42. Dove va la storia economica? Metodi e prospettive. Secc. XIII-XVIII • Where is Economic History going? Methods and prospects from the 13th to the 18th Centuries
15,00 € Add to cart -
41. Le interazioni fra economia e ambiente biologico nell’Europa preindustriale. Secc. XIII-XVIII • Economic and biological interactions in pre-industrial Europe from the 13th to the 18th Centuries
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40. La famiglia nell’economia europea. Secc. XIII-XVIII. • The economic role of the family in the European economy from the 13th to the 18th Centuries
65,00 € Read moreESAURITO