The "F. Datini" International Institute of Economic History was founded in 1968 by Federigo Melis, and Fernand Braudel, in collaboration with a group of important scholars, who formed the first Scientific Committee.
Starting on 1st January 2007 it becomes Foundation.
The Foundation studies the economic history in pre-industrial age (XIIIth-XVIIIth centuries).
Its proposed aim is to create a space for historical culture on an international scale, rendering comparison between different methodologies and schools of research easier, and supporting young scholars during their formative years. From the date of its foundation the Institute has served as a fundamental reference point for a positive exchange of experience and for the realization and cultivation of scientific contact between historical environments in the West and those in Eastern countries. The entire responsibility for the Foundation's scientific activity is borne by a prestigious Scientific Committee.
The administrative body attends to the management of the Foundation, in it are represented the private and the Public agencies who have contributed to form the patrimony of the Foundation and all those people (ordinary associates, meritorious supporters and) who support the activities.
The Foundation is also supported by the MIBACT: "Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali".