XLVIII Settimana di Studi
I prezzi delle cose nell'età preindustriale • The prices of the things in Pre-industrial Times
Prato, 8-11 Maggio 2016
Firenze, 2017
Editore / Publisher / Éditeur: Firenze University Press
volume cartaceo: esaurito
volume digitale: € 35 [scheda per l'acquisto del volume digitale / digital book purchase coupon / coupon d'achat du volume digital]
volume cartaceo: esaurito
volume digitale: € 35 [scheda per l'acquisto del volume digitale / digital book purchase coupon / coupon d'achat du volume digital]

David Tenier il giovane, Distilleria con anziano che acquista del gin, ca. 1640
© The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaelogy, Oxford
© The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaelogy, Oxford
Paolo MALANIMA (Catanzaro), I prezzi delle cose ieri e oggi
Maya SHATZMILLER (London, Ontario), Prices and Price Formadon in the Islamic Middile East: the Role of Money Supply and State Policies
Francesca PUCCI DONATI (Bologna), Il mercato del pesce. Regolamentazione dei prezzi a Bologna nel Medioevo (secc. XIII-XV)
Juan Vicente GARCÍA MARSILLA (Valencia), Dressing the King and the Beggar: The Various Levels of the Textile Market and their Prices in Medieval Valencia (13th-15th Centuries)
Hannelore PEPKE (Dijon), À la recherche du prix raisonnable. Le calcul des prix de denrées et de produits à Dijon au début du XVe siècle
Angela NUOVO (Udine), The Price of Books in Italy (XV-XVI centuries)
Wouter RYCKBOSCH (Antwerpen), Prizing the New and Exotic: the Price and Value of Tea in the Early Modem North Sea Area (17th-18th Centuries)
Michela BARBOT (CNRS Cachan), “Precium indicat contractum”. I prezzi delle cose e il diritto civile (Italia e Francia, XVII sec.)
Antal SZÁNTAY (Budapest),Prices in 18th Century Hungary
Valeria PINCHERA (Pisa), prezzo dei quadri nel mercato fiorentino del Sei e Settecento
Francesca PUCCI DONATI (Bologna), Il mercato del pesce. Regolamentazione dei prezzi a Bologna nel Medioevo (secc. XIII-XV)
Juan Vicente GARCÍA MARSILLA (Valencia), Dressing the King and the Beggar: The Various Levels of the Textile Market and their Prices in Medieval Valencia (13th-15th Centuries)
Hannelore PEPKE (Dijon), À la recherche du prix raisonnable. Le calcul des prix de denrées et de produits à Dijon au début du XVe siècle
Angela NUOVO (Udine), The Price of Books in Italy (XV-XVI centuries)
Wouter RYCKBOSCH (Antwerpen), Prizing the New and Exotic: the Price and Value of Tea in the Early Modem North Sea Area (17th-18th Centuries)
Michela BARBOT (CNRS Cachan), “Precium indicat contractum”. I prezzi delle cose e il diritto civile (Italia e Francia, XVII sec.)
Antal SZÁNTAY (Budapest),Prices in 18th Century Hungary
Valeria PINCHERA (Pisa), prezzo dei quadri nel mercato fiorentino del Sei e Settecento
Martin ALLEN (Cambridge), Prices in Medieval England: the Influence of Monetary Factors
Paola PINELLI (Firenze), I prezzi del grano e del vino a Prato fra XIV e XV secolo
Philip Robinson RÖSSNER (Manchester), Velocity! The Speed of Monetary Circulation as a Historical Protagonist in European Economic Thought and Practice, c. 1350-1800
Manuel GONZÁLEZ-MARISCAL (Sevilla), Precios y niveles de vida en Sevilla durante la inflación del vellón
Luca CLERICI (Padova), Le prix du bien commun. Taxation des prix et approvisionnement urbain (Vicence, XVe-XVIe siècle)
Andrés CALDERÓN FERNÁNDEZ (Città del Messico), Héctor GARCÍA MONTERO (Bocconi), Enrique LLOPIS AGELÁN (Madrid), New Research Guidelines for Living Standards, Consumer Baskets, and Prices in Madrid and Mexico
Markus DENZEL (Leipzig), The Price of Minimalizing the Risks at Sea: The Hamburg Marine Insurance Rates in the 18th and Early 19th Century
Paola PINELLI (Firenze), I prezzi del grano e del vino a Prato fra XIV e XV secolo
Philip Robinson RÖSSNER (Manchester), Velocity! The Speed of Monetary Circulation as a Historical Protagonist in European Economic Thought and Practice, c. 1350-1800
Manuel GONZÁLEZ-MARISCAL (Sevilla), Precios y niveles de vida en Sevilla durante la inflación del vellón
Luca CLERICI (Padova), Le prix du bien commun. Taxation des prix et approvisionnement urbain (Vicence, XVe-XVIe siècle)
Andrés CALDERÓN FERNÁNDEZ (Città del Messico), Héctor GARCÍA MONTERO (Bocconi), Enrique LLOPIS AGELÁN (Madrid), New Research Guidelines for Living Standards, Consumer Baskets, and Prices in Madrid and Mexico
Markus DENZEL (Leipzig), The Price of Minimalizing the Risks at Sea: The Hamburg Marine Insurance Rates in the 18th and Early 19th Century
Maya SHATZMILLER (London, Ontario)
Richard UNGER (Vancouver)
Sevket PAMUK (Istanbul)
Michael North (Greifswald)
Richard UNGER (Vancouver)
Sevket PAMUK (Istanbul)
Michael North (Greifswald)