Roma, Unicredit group
ISSN: 0391-5115
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini", Coll: Riv. 5
Consistenza: a. 7, 1978, 2/3 -
Lacune: a. 21, 1992, 1; a. 21, 1992, 2; a. 23, 1994, 2- a. 23, 1994, 3; a. 24, 1995, 2 - a. 25, 1996, 3; a. 26, 1997, 3-v. 28, 1999, 3;
Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini - Fondo Melis
Consistenza: a. 1, 1972, 1-7, 1978, 1
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Coll.:RIV IT 0861
Consistenza: 1(1972);5(1976) -6(1977);9(1980) -
Lacune: a. 28, 1999, 3; a. 33, 2004, 3; a. 34, 2005, 1; a. 34, 2005, 3; a. 35, 2006, 1;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1972 ]
Samir Ahmeti, Gazmend Rizaj, European Impact on Egyptian Industrialization during the Rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha (1805-1848), p. 9
Matteo Calabrese, Bas van Leeuwen, “Time in Office” of City Mayors and Economic Convergence, c. 1870-Present, p. 43
Eugenia Vitello, Beyond Munificence. Economic Thinking and Financial Transactions in Roman Aphrodisias, p. 69
Review Articles, p. 107
Book Reviews, p. 125
Roberto Rossi, The Real Junta Particular de Comercio of Barcelona: A Model of Mediation between Central Power and Local Economic Bodies (18th-19th Centuries), p. 9
Alexandre Reichart, Managing Monetary Policy facing U.S. External Constraint and Internal Macroeconomic Divergences: the Case of the Western European Central Banks in the 1980s, p. 47
Traci Michelle Ricciardo, Not Only the Poor! A Closer Look at Regional Differences in Italian Emigration (1946-2019), p. 99
Gianluca Gerli, Origins and Perspectives of the Humanitarian Corridors’ Programme - Just a Matter of Economic Sustainability?, p. 27
Book Reviews, p. 151
Barry Eichengreen, International Currency: Myths and Realities
Paola Subacchi, The Reality and Costs of Dollar-Dominance: Where Do Alternatives Lie?
Cristian Constantin, Grain Market Integration in the Lower Danube Region: From the Moldo-Wallachian Hinterland to European Entrepôts (1857-1866)
Vittorio Caligiuri, The Development of Tunisian Transport Infrastructures Under the French Protectorate: The Foundations of Economic Dependence (1881-1914)
Scott Auriat, The Origins of Liberal Democracy and the Economic Legacy of the Mongol Empire
José María Pérez Fernández,Gaetano Sabatini, Paper, Finance and Semiotics. The Symbolic Economy of Knowledge in the Early Modern Mediterranean
Erik Aerts, Hindu-Arabic Numerals in Public and Private Accounts of The Southern Low Countries (1300-1800)
Pietro Delcorno, Mobilizing Objects and Money: Inventories of the Donations at the Origin of the Monti di Pietà
Matteo Calcagni, Reinterpreting the Tuscan Economy in the Long Seventeenth Century: New Perspectives for Research from Two Rediscovered Archives
Elvira Vilches, Accounting for Finance and Affect in Early Modern Spain
José María Pérez Fernández, The Spirit of Trafficke: Paper, Semiotics and Finance
José María Pérez Fernández, José Ramón Ayaso Martínez, Chiara Marcheschi, Commerce and Exile: Traces of Jewish Diasporas in the Datini Papers
Michael McKeon, Messianic Expectations and Paper-Based Networks: The Role of the Merchant
Nelly Hanna, People and Paper in Ninth- to Eleventh-Century Egypt
Natalie Roxburgh, The Expansion of Finance: Comparing Paper Credit in Shakespeare and Defoe
Cátia Antunes, A Window onto the World of Merchants: An Analytical Grid for Interpreting Notarial Contracts in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Renzo Sabbatini, The Civilization and the Journeys of Paper in the Medieval and Modern Ages: Some Remarks for a History on the Side of the Papermakers
Review Articles
Book Reviews
Numan Elibol, Trade Along the Ottoman Border in Post-War Era: Commerce in Mitrowitz According to the Austrian Customs Registers (1719-1723)
Marina Romani,Luciano Maffi, National and International Private Bankers and the Building of the Italian Credit and Financial System during Italian Unification
Mentor Hasani,Gazmend Rizaj, The Rivalry of the Great Powers for Albanian Hydrocarbons, 1920-1926
Daniela Manetti, All Against Hollywood: Policies in Defence of National Cinematography in European Countries After World War I
Renato Raffaele Amoroso, The Institutional Design of European Integration: EEC Social Concerns and Development Policies Between 1957 and 1973
Massimo Fornasari, On Money. A Brief Intellectual Interpretation
Simone Selva, How the Energy Crises Paved the Way for a Path Dependence on Unregulated Financial Markets in Both the Capitalist West and the Socialist East
Giovanni Farese, East-West Financial Entanglements, the Volcker’s Shock, and the End of the Cold War
Riccardo Mario Cucciolla, The Unreformable Alternative. Rethinking the Collapse of Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe
Fritz Bartel, On The Triumph of Broken Promises: A Reply
Book Reviews
Angelo Cattaneo, Shaping the Space and Places of Portuguese and Dutch Global Trade: The Carte di Castello of Cosimo III de' Medici, p. 9
Luciano Maffi, Andrea Zanini, Feudal Institutions and Rural Markets in North-Western Italy (Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries), p. 47
Paola Nardone, Natascia Ridolfi, Ada Di Nucci, Tourism and Border Identity in Italian South Tyrol (1919-1943), p. 83
Filippo Sbrana, IMI, Framework Agreements with Foreign Banks and International Trading. Between State and Market, p. 119
Edited by Daniela Felisini
Daniela Felisini, Reassessing the Role and Identity of the European Investment Bank, p. 137
Renato Raffaele Amoroso, The Extraordinary Intervention for the Mezzogiorno and the Birth of The European Investment Bank: The Debate in Europe and the Positions Expressed by the Italian Delegation, p. 143
Donatella Strangio, The European Investment Bank and Its Role in Fostering European Cohesiveness: The Case of Ireland and of the Italian Southern Regions, p. 183
Serena Casu, Supporting the Economie Development: The European Investment Bank from the Fifties to the Green Deal, p. 209
Book Reviews, p. 227
Book received, p. 247
Michele Mario Rabà, Relations, Money, and Financial Skills to Fight an Attrition War. The Strozzi Brothers, Bankers and Commanders, p. 9
Lawrence S. Stryker, Swediish Copper and Financial Skullduggery in Amsterdam, 1610-1625, p. 45
Isabella Iannuzzi, Between Medina del Campo and Rome. A Journey of Money in the Sixteenth Century, p. 87
Jon Lhoták, Women Credit Activities in a Rural Town in Bohemia in the 18th Century. The Case of Lidmila Löschová, p. 109
Francesco Dondolo, Us and Them. Reflections on Philippe Legrain's Book on Immigration, p. 151
Book Reviews, p. 163
Book received, p. 191
Horold Jomes, Rethinking the Legacy of Bretton Woods. 2021 Luigi De Rosa Lecture on Global History, p. 9
Ivo Maes, Ilario Posotti, The Legacy of Bretton Woods: Some Reflections on Harold James's Essay, p. 37
Paolo Subacchi, The System that Became a Non-System: The End of Bretton Woods Fifty Years Later, p. 53
Barry Eicnengreen, Somnolence to Dominance: A Hundred Years of the Foreign Exchange Market in London, p. 75
Klos Rönnbäck, Oskar Broberg, Dimitrios Theodoridis, Fool's Gold: The Return on lnvestment in Global Mining, 1869-1969, p. 113
Fabrizio Filioli Uranio, Slavery, Vagrancy and Poverty. A Journey between Picaresque Fiction and Social Control modern Valencia, p. 155
Ariel Solzmonn, Mehmet Genç (1934-2021), p. 177
Emanuele C. Colombo, Hard Food for Witnesses. Reading Notes on Alexandra Shepard, p. 195
Filippo Sbrano, "Nothing Develops Like Development": Banks, Economie Development, International Expansion of Italy, p. 205
Book Reviews, p. 223
Book received, p. 251
Daniel J. Shaw, An Economic Perspective on the Irish Monetary Tithe: A Trigger for Irish Banditti and Secret Societies Disturbances, p. 11
Christos Kollias, Michel Zouboulakis, Suzanna-Maria Paleologou, Panayiotis Tzeremes, Public Spending and Its Impact on the Pre-WWII Greek Economy: A Comparative Analysis for Civilian and Military Expenditure, p. 49
Tomoari Matsunaga, Reconsidering the Tariff Reform Controversy in Britain: Joseph Chamberlain's Tariff Reform Versus Arthur Balfour's Plan of Retaliatory Tariffs, p. 71
Valentina Favarò, Control Over Administration, Repression of Corruption and Practices of Negotiation in the Spanish Monarchy. The Process of Residencia of the 10th Count of Lemos, Viceroy of Peru (1667-1672), p. 113
edited by Paolo Tedesco, Annette Grabowsky
Paolo Tedesco, Annette Grabowsky, Editors' Note: Conscripts of "Transformation": Europe in the High Middle Ages, p. 137
Paolo Tedesco, Conscripts of "Transformation": An Introduction to the Seminar, p. 139
Christoph Haack, Isaac Smith, From Revolution to Transformation and Back Again, p. 155
Giulia Vollono, The Materiality of the "Seigneurial Transformation", p. 171
Igor Santos Salazar, Fiscal Resources, the Regnum Italiae and an Empire in Crisis (1080-1130), p. 185
Thomas Kohl, The Seigneurial Turn, the Church and National Historiographies, p. 193
Charles West, Three Notes on Alessio Fiore's Seigneurial Transformation, p. 203
Alessio Fiore, A Reply, p. 203
Book Reviews, p. 231
Book received, p. 251
Richard C.K Burdekin, Richard J. Sweeney, The Evolution of Sovereign Debt Default: From the Thirteenth Century to the Modern Era, p. 9
Claudio Marsilio, Genoese financiers and the redistribution of Spanish bullion: The "Mediterranean Road" (1630-1700), p. 57
Nigel Hall, The British Debate Concerning the Supply of Cotton During the American Civil War, p. 89
Michele Bianchi, The Social Composition of Italian Co-operatives: Historical Evolution and Analysis of Political and Economic Reasons, p. 121
Review articles, p. 153
Book reviews, p. 165
Book received, p. 197
Gaetano Sabatini, Donatella Strangio, A View on Africa: Italy, the Mediterranean, the Horn of Africa, 19th and 20th Centuries, p. 9
Gian Luca Podestà, Eurafrica. Vital Space, Demographic Planning and the Division of Labour in the Italian Empire: The Legacy of Fascist Autarky, p. 17
Luca Puddu, Of Capital and Power: Italian Late-Colonial Policies in Eritrea at the Onset of the Federation with Ethiopia, p. 51
Francesca Fauri, Shifting Tides: 120 Years of Migratory Flows between Italy and Tunisia, p. 73
Morten Jerven,Donatella Strangio,Jacob Weisdorf, A Case of Its Own? A Review of Italy's Colonisation of Eritrea, 1890-1941, p. 99
Matteo Nardozi, The Economic Policy of the Italian Administration in the Eritrean Colony in the Early 1920s: The Case of the Asmara Chamber of Commerce, p. 133
Massimo Bucarelli, Mediterranean Security Challenges, Terrorist Threats and Energy Issues: Italy and the Libyan Crisis of the 1980s, p. 157
Federica Ferrero, Antonio M. Morone, Economic Policies in Spanish Morocco and the Case of the Electric Cooperative: A Venture for a Nationalistic Strategy, p. 183
Elena Ambrosetti, Sara Miccoli, Donatella Strangio, Africa. Migrations Between Perceptions and Data Production in the Long Run, p. 207
Vittorio Caligiuri,Gaetano Sabatini, From Political Independence to Economic Dependence. The Different Trajectories of Stabilisation and Adjustment in Morocco and Tunisia During the 1980s, p. 239
Book reviews, p. 321
Book received, p. 379