The Journal of European Economic History

Roma, Unicredit group
ISSN: 0391-5115
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini", Coll: Riv. 5
Consistenza: a. 7, 1978, 2/3 -
Lacune: a. 21, 1992, 1; a. 21, 1992, 2; a. 23, 1994, 2- a. 23, 1994, 3; a. 24, 1995, 2 - a. 25, 1996, 3; a. 26, 1997, 3-v. 28, 1999, 3;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini - Fondo Melis
Consistenza: a. 1, 1972, 1-7, 1978, 1

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Coll.:RIV IT 0861
Consistenza: 1(1972);5(1976) -6(1977);9(1980) -
Lacune: a. 28, 1999, 3; a. 33, 2004, 3; a. 34, 2005, 1; a. 34, 2005, 3; a. 35, 2006, 1;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1972 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 9, 1980, n. 3

L.T. Berend, G. Ranki, Foreign Trade and the Industrialization of European Periphery in the XIXth Century, pag. 539
M.E. Bratchel, Regulation and Group Consciousness in the Later History of London Italian Merchant Colonies, pag. 585
P. Deyon, Ph. Guignet, The Royal Manufactures and Economic Progress in France before the Industrial Revolution, pag. 611

H. Obuchowska-Pysiowa, Trade between Cracow and Italy from the Customs-House Registers of 1604, pag. 633

S. Polica, An Attempted "Reconversion" of Wealth in XVth Century Lucca: the Lands of Michele di Giovanni Guinigi, pag. 655
R. Vaccaro, Industrialization in Spain and Italy (1860-1914), pag. 709

E. Ashtor, The Volume of Mediaeval Spice Trade, pag. 753

E.B. Winkler, The Economic Consequences of Emancipation, pag. 765

Reviews of books, pag. 771
Books received, pag. 799

a. 9, 1980, n. 2

J.D. Gould, European International Emigration: The Role of "Diffusion" and "Feedback", pag. 267
J. Harrison, Financial Reconstruction in Spain after the Loss of the Last Colonies, pag. 317
N. Soubeyroux, Changes in French Agriculture between 1862 and 1962, pag. 351
M.C. Spechlaer, The Regional Concentration of Industry in Imperial Russia 1854-1917, pag. 401

F. Capie, The Pressure for Tariff Protection in Britain, 1917-31, pag. 431
A.M. Pult Quaglia, Controls over Food Supplies in Florence in the Late XVIth and Early XVIIth Centuries, pag. 449

I.N. Kiss, Money, Prices, values and Purchasing Power from the XVIth to the XVIIIth Century, pag. 459

G. Benecke, The Thirty Years War and its Place in the General Crisis of the XVIIth Century, pag. 491

J.E. Cronin, Processes of the World System, pag. 501

Reviews of books, pag. 505
Books received, 527

a. 9, 1980, n. 1

M. Bogucka, The Role of Baltic Trade in European Development from the XVIth to the XVIIth Centuries, pag. 5
R. Fremdling, Freight Rates and State Budget: the Role of the National Prussian Railways 1880-1913, pag. 21
J.D.Gould, European Inter-Continental Emigration. The Road Home: return Migration from the U.S.A., pag. 41
L. Siegelbaum, The Odessa Grain Trade: A Case Study in Urban Growth and Development in Tsarist Russia, pag. 113

N.F.R. Crafts, Income Elasticities of Demand and the Release of Labour by Agriculture during the British Industrial Revolution, pag. 153
M. D'Angelo, The Origins of the Florio: a Leading Family of Italian Entrepreneurs in the XIXth and XXth Centuries, pag. 169

A.W. Coats, The Historical Context of the "New" Economic History, pag. 185

D.N. McCloskey, Scattering in Open Fields: a Comment, pag. 209
M.P.Mazur, Scattering in Open Fields: Reply, pag. 215

G.N.Von Tunzelmann, Cliometric at Warwick (G.B.), pag. 219

Reviews of books, pag. 233
Books received, pag. 266

a. 8, 1979, n. 3

L. De Rosa, Property Rights, Institutional Change, and Economic Growth in Southern Italy in the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries, pag. 531
A. González Enciso, J. Patricio Merino, The Public Sector and Economic Growth in Eighteenth Century Spain, pag. 553
J.D. Gould, European Inter-Continental Emigration 1815-1914: Patterns and Causes, pag. 593

J. Gentil Da Silva, Portugal and Overseas Expansion from XVIth-XVIIIth Centuries, pag. 681
J.J. McCusker, S. Hart, The Rate of Exchange on Amsterdam in London, 1590-1660, pag. 689

P. Cernovodeanu, B. Marinescu, British Trade in the Danubian Ports of Galatz and Braila between 1837 and 1857, pag. 707
R. Munting, Mechanisation and Dualism in Russian Agriculture, pag. 743

St.T. Easton, Continuing Themes in Economic History, pag. 761

Reviews of books, pag. 773
Books received, pag. 789

a. 8, 1979, n. 2

R.T. Rapp, Real Estate and Rational Investment of Early Modern Venice, pag. 269
E. Schremmer, Saltmining and the Salt-trade: a State-Monopoly in the XVIth-XVIIth Centuries. A Case-Study in Public Enterprise and Development in Austria and the South German States, pag. 291
I.A.A. Thompson, The Purchase of Nobility in Castile, 1552-1700, pag. 313
C.H.H. Wake, The Changing Pattern of Europe's Pepper and Spice Imports, ca 1400-1700, pag. 361

S. Faroqhi, Notes on the Production of Cotton and Cotton Cloth in XVIth and XVIIth Century Anatolia, pag. 304
A.J. Kondonassis, The Bank of Greece, 1949-1951: Credit Control Changes in an Inflationary Environment, pag. 419
F. Lequin, A New Approach to the History of the Dutch Expansion in Asia: the Personnel of the Dutch East India Company in the XVIIIth Century, pag. 431

J.M. Winter, Infant Mortality, Maternal Mortality and Public Health in Britain in the 1930s, pag. 439

R. Aracil, M. Garcia Bonafé, Contemporary Spanish Economic History, pag. 462
C.G.Reed, Price Movements, Balance et Payments, Bullion Flows, and Unemployment in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, pag. 479
H.A. Miskimin, A Response to Professor Reed, pag. 487

Reviews of books, pag. 495
Books received, pag. 517

a. 8, 1979, n.1

M.Falkus, Aspects of Foreign Investment in Tsarist Russia, pag. 5
J. Komlos, Austro-Hungarian Agricultural Development 1827-1877, pag. 37
G. Mori, The Process of Industrialization in General and the Process of Industrialization in Italy. Some Suggestions, Problems and Questions, pag. 61
K. Slaski, North-Western Slavs in Baltic Sea Trade from the VIIIth to the XIIIth Century, pag. 83

G. Benecke, Austrian Labour Relations and the Grossen-sass Miners' Strike of 1493, pag. 109
J.-P. Cuvillier, Notes on the Royal Coinage in France from the XIVth to XVth Centuries, pag. 117

M.W. Flinn, Plague in Europe and the Mediterranean Countries, pag. 131
K.H. Niebyl, Science, Medicine and the Puritan Society, pag. 149

S. Akermann, H. Norman, E. Johansson, Splitting Background Variables: Aid-Analysis Applied to Migration and Literacy Research, pag. 157

Ch. Wilson, A Letter to Professor McCloskey, pag. 193
D.N. McCloskey, A Reply to Professor Charles Wilson, pag. 203

E. Berenson, The Modernization of Rural France, pag. 209
T. Hocevar, The Economic History of Slovenia, 1828-1918: A Survey of the Literature, pag. 217

Reviews of books, pag. 233
Books received, pag. 255

a. 7, 1978, n. 2/3

E. Ashtor, Underdevelopment in the Pre-industrial era. The Case of Declining Economies, pag. 285
P. Burke, Investment and Culture in Three Seven-teenth Century Cities: Rome, Amsterdam, Paris, pag. 311
R. Gravil, T. Rooth, A Time of Acute Dependence: Argentina in the 1930s, pag. 337

C.L. Lackmann, Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Postbellum German Recovery, pag. 379
A.C. van Oss, B.H. Slicher van Bath, An Experiment in the History of Economy and Culture, pag. 407

B.Hansen, E.F. Lucas, Egyptian Foreign Trade, 1885-1961: A New Set of Trade Indices, pag. 379
V. Mallia-Milanes, Towards an Economic History of Eigh-teenth-Century Malta: Buzzacarini Gonzaga's Correspondence to the Venetian Magistracy of Trade, 1754-1776, pag. 407

D. Levine, Some Competing Models of Population Growth during the First Industrial Revolution, pag. 517
J. Mokyr, N.E. Savin, Some Econometric Problems in the Stan-dard of Living Controversy, pag. 399

G. Sorgi, Medieval and Economic History Problems: Research on the Subalpine Region in the Last Decade, pag. 527

Reviews of books, pag. 537
Books received, pag. 563

a. 7, 1978, n. 1

M.E. Bratchel, Italian Merchant Organization and Business Relationship in Early Tudor London, pag. 5
A.J.H. Latham, Merchandise Trade Imbalances and Uneven Economic Development in India and China, pag. 33
B.M. Ratcliffe, The Tariff Reform Campaign in France, 1831-1836, pag. 61

M.S. Smith, Thoughts on the Evolution of the Notes French Capitalist Community in the XIXth Century, pag. 139
M. Spallanzani, A Note on Florentine Banking in the Renaissance: Orders of Payment and Cheques, pag. 145

R.M. Kesner, Britain and the Rehabilitation of the Cypriot Economy, pag. 169
E. Serra, Italian Emigration to France during Crispi's First Government (1887-1891), pag. 191

D.N. McCloskey, A Mismeasurement of the Incidence of Taxation in Britain and France, 1715-1810, pag. 209
P. Mathias, p. O' Brien, The Incidence of Taxes and the Burden of Proof, pag. 211
R.C. Blitz, Some Reflections on the World Trade of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Century: A Comment on the Findings of Professor Chaudhuri, pag. 214
K.N. Chaudhuri, Some Reflections on the World Trade of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Century: A Reply, pag. 223

I. Lopane, Investment and Urban Society from the XIIIth to the XVIIIth Century, pag. 233

a. 6, 1977, n. 3

Ph. Clendenning, William Gomm: A Case Study of the Foreign Entrepreneur in Eighteenth Century Russia, pag. 533
A. Klíma, Industrial Growth and Entrepreneuship in the Early Stages of Industrialization in the Czech Lands, pag. 549
M. Wilkins, Modern European Economic History and the Multinationals, pag. 575

A.B. Chan, The Consortium System in Republican China 1912-1913, pag. 597
D.A. Martin, The Impact of Mid-Nineteenth Century Gold Depreciation upon Western Monetary Standards, pag. 641
G. Toniolo, Effective Protection and Industrial Growth: The Case of Italian Engineering, 1898-1913, pag. 659

E.R. Coleman, People and Property: The Structure of a Medieval Seigneury, pag. 675
D.C. North, Markets and Other Allocation System in History: The Challenge of Karl Polanyi, pag. 703
D. Sherman, Governmental Responses to Economic Modernization in Mid-Nineteenth Century France, pag. 717

F. Braudel, A Tribute to Franco Borlandi, pag. 737

S. Pollard, Merchandise Trade and Exploitation, pag. 745
A.G. Frank, Imbalance and Exploitation, pag. 750

a. 6, 1977, n. 2

F. Irsigler, Industrial Production, International Trade and Public Finances in Cologne (XIVth and XVth Century), pag. 269
W.J. Kelly, T. Kano, Crude Oil Production in the Russian Empire: 1818-1919, pag. 307
P. O' Brien, D. Heath, C. Keyder, Agriculture in Britain and France. 1815-1914, pag. 339

J. Muendel, The Millers of Pistoia, 1200-1430, pag. 393
C. Rahn Phillips, W.D. Phillips, The Castilian Fairs in Burgos, 1601-1604, pag. 413

W. Fischer, The Strategy of Public Investment in XIXth Century Germany, pag. 431
K. Kuklinska, Commercial Expansion in XVIIIth Century Poland: The Case of Poznán, pag. 443

M.P. Mazur, The Dispersion of Holdings in the Open Fields: An Interpretation in Terms of Property Rights, pag. 461

J.H. Mundy, Henri Pirenne: A European Historian, pag. 473

D. Mitch, Historical Dimensions of Social and Political Economy: A Report on the 1976 Meetings of the Economic History Association, pag. 481

a. 6, 1977, n. 1

S. Chapman, The International Houses: The Continental Contribution to British Commerce, 1800-1860, pag. 5
E. Cieslak, Sea-Borne Trade between France and Poland in the XVIIIth Century, pag. 49
P.M. Hohenberg, Maize in French Agriculture, pag. 63

J.P. Bischoff, Pegolotti: An Honest Merchant?, pag. 103
K.E. Born, The German Inflation after the First World War, pag. 109

J.K. Horsefield, The Beginnings of Paper Money in England, pag. 117
W.R. Lee, Primary Sector Output and Mortality Changes in Early XIXth Century Bavaria, pag. 133
S. Yonekawa, Champion and Woodland Norfolk: The Development of Regional Differences, pag. 163

F.C. Lane, Double Entry Bookkeeping and Resident Merchants, pag. 177

J.M. Malecki, The Vistula and Poland's Trade in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, pag. 193

R. Goutalier, Privateering and Piracy, pag. 199

A. Wyczanski, The Annals of Polish Social and Economic History, pag. 215

a. 5, 1976, n. 3

E. Ashtor, Observations on Venetian Trade in the Levant in the XIVth Century, pag. 533
C.C. Giurescu, The Genoese and the Lower Danube in the XIIIth and XIVth Centuries, pag. 587
P. Mathias, p. O' Brien, Taxation in Britain and France, 1715-1810. A Comparison of the Social and Economic Incidence of Taxes Collected for the Central Governments, pag. 601

R. Horváth, Monetary Inflation in Hungary during the Napoleonic Wars, pag. 651
R.M. Jennings, A.P. Trout, The Tontine: Fact and Fiction, pag. 653

C.J. Holmes, Laissez-Faire in Theory and Practice: Britain 1800-1875, pag. 671
R. Pike, Crime and Punishment in XVIth Century Spain, pag. 689
J. Zurawicka, The Structure of the Warsaw Intelligentsia at the End of XIXth Century, pag. 705

T.B. James, N.A. Price, Measurement of the Change in Populations through Time: Capture-Recapture Analysis of Population Listings for St. Lawrence Parish, Southampton, 1454-1610, pag. 719

J.A. Davis, The Economic History Society Jubilee Conference, pag. 737

A. Wyrobisz, Mining in Medieval and Modern Poland, pag. 757

a. 5, 1976, n. 2

P. Bairoch, Europe 's Gross National Product: 1800-1975, pag. 273
J. Bazant, The Conqueror's Inheritance: The Cortés-Pignatelli Mexican Estate, pag. 341
J.K. Federowicz, Anglo-Polish Commercial Relations in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century, pag. 359

G. Felloni, Monetary Changes and Prices in Italy in the Napoleonic Period, pag. 379
D.F. Good, The Cost of Living in Austria: 1874-1913, pag. 391
D.S. McLernon, Irish "Combinations" and Economic Activity in the Latter Half of the XVIIIth Century, pag. 401

A.G. Frank, Multilateral Merchandise Trade Imbalances and Uneven Economic Development, pag. 407
C.M. Peláez, A Comparison of Long-Term Monetary Behaviour and Institutions in Brazil, Europe and the United States, pag. 439
I. Turnau, Consumption of Clothes in Europe between the XVIth and the XVIIIth Centuries (Research Problems), pag. 451

A.G. Frank, Trade Balances and the Third World; A Commentary on Paul Bairoch, pag. 469
P. Bairoch, Reply to Mr. Gunder Frank's Commentary, pag. 473

J.S. Cohen, Sidney Sonnino and Italy, pag. 475

V.N. Bandiera, Eastward Extension of European Economic History. The Harvard Studies of the Economy of Ukraine, pag. 481

A. Di Vittorio, The Scandinavian Economic History Review and the Economic Development of Finland, pag. 485

a. 5, 1976, n. 1

F. Furet, J. Ozouf, Literacy and Industrialization. The Case of the Département du Nord in France, pag. 5
P. Herlihy, Russian Wheat and the Port of Livorno, 1794-1861, pag. 45
A. Maczak, Money and Society in Poland and Lithuania in the 16th and 17th Centuries, pag. 69

P. Cernovodeanu, British Economic Interests in the Lower Danube and the Balkan Shore of the Black Sea between 1803 and 1829, pag. 105
R. Morelli, The Medici Silver Mines (1542-1592), pag. 121

F. Bustelo, G. Tortella-Casares, Monetary Inflation in Spain 1800-1970, pag. 141
D. Molenda, Investments in Ore Mining in Poland from the 13th to the 17th Centuries, pag. 151

B. Spencer, D. Hum, p. Deprez, Spectral Analysis and the Study of Seasonal Fluctuations in Historical Demography, pag. 171

G.D. Libecap, Aspects of Modern Growth: A Report of the Economic History Association Meetings, pag. 191

J. Everaert, C. Vandenbroeke, Thirty Years of Research in Social and Economic History: The Centre for Modern and Colonial History at the University of Ghent, pag. 199

R. Church, Business History in England, pag. 209

a. 4, 1975, n. 3

E. Ashtor, The Volume of Levantine Trade in the Later Middle Ages (1379-1498), pag. 573
Ch.P. Kindleberger, Commercial Expansion and the Industrial Revolution, pag. 613
H. Samsonowicz, Changes in the Baltic Zone in the XIII-XVI Centuries, pag. 655

P. Brezzi, Holy Years in the Economic Life of the City of Rome, pag. 673

T. Dunin-Wasowicz, Climate as a Factor Affecting the Human Environment in the Middle Ages, pag. 691
D. Richet, Causes of Inflation in France in the XVI Century. Problems of Measurement and Interpretation, pag. 707

B.S. Yamey, Notes on Double-Entry Bookkeeping and Economic Progress, pag. 717

E. Fox-Genovese, The Physiocratic Model and Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, pag. 725

G. Muto, Money and the European Economy from the XIIIth to the XVIIIth Centuries, pag. 739
V. Perez Moreda, The Journal "Moneda Y Credito" and its Contribution to Spanish Historiography 1948-1974, pag. 753

a. 4, 1975, n. 2

H.J. Braun, Economic Theory and Policy in Germany, 1750-1800, pag. 301
K.N. Chaudhuri, The Economic and Monetary Problem of European Trade with Asia during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, pag. 323
F. Melis, The "Nationality" of Sea-Borne Trade between England and the Mediterranean around 1400, pag. 359

C.E. Challis, Spanish Bullion and Monetary Inflation in England in the Later Sixteenth Century, pag. 381
K. Grunwald, Lombards, Cahorsins and Jews, pag. 393
V Zimyani, A Typology of Central European Inflation in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, pag. 399

L. Bulferetti, Towards a Historical Technometry, pag. 403
C. Klapisch, M. Demonet, A Correspondence Analysis of a XVth Century Census: The Florentine Catasto of 1427, pag. 415
A. Szászdi, Spain and American Treasure: The Depreciation of Silver and Monetary Exchange in the Viceroyalty of Lima, 1550-1610, pag. 429
M. Ulloa, Castilian Seigniorage and Coinage in the Reign of Philip II, pag. 459

D.J. Loschky, Are Counterfactuals Necessary to "The Discipline and They?", pag. 481

P.W. Klein, Relations between Regions of Uneven Economic Development: Report at the Sixth International Congress of Economic History, pag. 487

G. Di Giovanni, Economic Growth in Tuscany and the Risorgimento, pag. 491
P. Uselding, Wage and Consumption Levels in England and on the Continent in the 1830's, pag. 501

D.R. Ringrose, European Economic History in American Scholarly Journals (January 1972-June 1974), pag. 515

a. 4, 1975, n. 1

I.A Glazier, V.N. Bandera, R.B. Berner, Terms of Trade between Italy and the United Kingdom 1815-1913, pag. 5
A. Klíma, The Beginning of the Machine Building Industry in the Czech Lands in the First Half of the 19th Century, pag. 49
G. Mori, The Genesis of Italian Industrialization, pag. 79

J.F. Laffey, Municipal Imperialism: The Lyon Chamber of Commerce 1914-1925, pag. 95
V.S. Vardy, The Hungarian Economic History School: Its Birth and Development, pag. 121

M. Bogucka, The Monetary Crisis of the XVIIth Century and its Social and Psychological Consequences in Poland, pag. 137
W.R. Lee, Tax Structure and Economic Growth in Germany (1750-1850), pag. 153
H.A. Miskimin, Population Growth and the Price Revolution in England, pag. 179

C.M. White, Railroads and Rigour, pag. 187

C. Dauphine, Research in Progress at the "Centre de Recherches Historiques" of Paris, pag. 197

M. Edelstein, R.T. Rapp, Comparative Economic History: Promises and Problems. A Report of the Meetings of the Economic History Association, pag. 209

A. van der Woude, The "A. A. G. Bijdragen" and the Study of Dutch Rural History, pag. 215

a. 3, 1974, n. 3

P. Bairoch, Geographical Structure and Trade Balance of European Foreign Trade from 1800 to 1970, pag. 557
J. Heers, The "Feudal" Economy and Capitalism: Words, Ideas, and Reality, pag. 608
H. Kamen, Public Authority and Popular Crime: Banditry in Valencia 1660-1714, pag. 654

R.J. Bartel, International Monetary Unions: The XIXth Century Experience, pag. 689
P. Nazzaro, Italy from the American Immigration Quota Act of 1921-24, pag. 705

N. Sánchez-Albornoz, Congruence among Spanish Economic Regions in the Nineteenth Century, pag. 725

D.J. Loschky, What's Happening in the New Economic History?, pag. 747

G. Ranki, Demography and Economic Growth, pag. 759

P.G.M. Harris, Family and Household across Time and Culture, pag. 765

a. 3, 1974, n. 2

C.M. Cipolla, The Plague and the Pre-Malthus Malthusians, pag. 277
M.W. Flinn, The Stabilisation of Mortality in Pre-Industrial Western Europe, pag. 285
M. Malowist, Problems of the Growth of the National Economy of Central Eastern Europe in the Late Middle Ages, pag. 319

G. Schmid, The Politics of Currency Stabilisation: The French Franc, 1926, pag. 359
G. Vigo, Real Wages of the Working Class in Italy: Building Workers' Wages (14th to 18th Century), pag. 378

B.D. Black, R.P. Thomas, The Enclosure Movement and the Supply of Labour during the Industrial Revolution, pag. 401
D. Dowd, Power and Economic Development: The Rise and Decline of Medieval Bologna, pag. 424
A. Fishlow, The New Economic History Revisited, pag. 453

B. Salvemini, Demand and Consumption: Levels and Structures XIII-XVIII Centuries, pag. 469

P. Leon, The Study of Economy and Society at the "Centre d'Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Région Lyonnaise", pag. 485

M. Aymard, The Geo-History and the Social Sciences: The Case of "Etudes Rurales", pag. 493

a. 3, 1974, n. 1

E. Ashtor, The Venetian Supremacy in Levantine Trade: Monopoly or Pre-Colonialism?, pag. 5
Ph.L. Cottrell, Anglo-French Financial Co-Operation, 1850-1880, pag. 54
A. Tamborra, The Rise of Italian Industry and the Balkans (1900-1914), pag. 87

G. Vigo, Infant Mortality in a Pre-Industrial District, pag. 121
S. Zurawicki, Copernicus on Money, pag. 126

C.J. Schmitz, German non Ferrous Metal Production in the Early Nineteenth Century, pag. 129
D. Sherman, Governmental Policy toward Joint-Stock Business Organizations in Mid-Nineteenth Century France, pag. 149

E.H. Tuma, New Approaches in Economic History and Related Social Sciences, pag. 169

S. Kowalska-Glikman, Quantitative Methods in History, pag. 189

A. Massacra, The Abolition of Feudalism in the Western World, pag. 203

Y.N. Rozaliev, The Problems of Economic History as Propounded by the Magazines "Voprosy Historii" and "Novaya I Noveishaya Istoriya", pag. 209

a. 2, 1973, n. 3

H. Kellenbenz, The Economic Significance of the Archangel Route (From the Late 16th to the Late 18th Century), pag. 541
B.M. Ratcliffe, Napoleon and the Anglo-French Commercial Treaty of 1860: A Reconsideration, pag. 582
M. Weisser, The Decline of Castile Revisited: The Case of Toledo, pag. 614

R.J. Barker, The Périer Bank during the Restoration (1815-1830), pag. 641
J. Bérenger, Public Loans and Austrian Policy in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, pag. 657

P. Brezzi, Christianity and Economics: From the Origins to the Middle Ages, pag. 671
M.D. Jankowski, Law, Economic Policy, and Private Enterprise: The Case of the Early Ruhr Mining Region, 1766-1865, pag. 688

S. Fenoaltea, The Discipline and They: Notes on Counterfactual Methodology and the "New" Economic History, pag. 729

B. Salvemini, Transport and Economic Development, pag. 747

R.A. Goldthwaite, Italian Bankers in Medieval England, pag. 765

A. Di Vittorio, "Economy and History" and the History of Swedish Economic Development, pag. 773

a. 2, 1973, n. 2

J.P. McKay, Foreign Businessmen, the Tsarist Government and the Briansk Company, pag. 273
F.M. Padrón, The Commercial World of Seville in Early Modern Times, pag. 294
C. Wilson, Transport as a Factor in the History of Economic Development, pag. 320

R. Horváth, Kossuth's Views on Economics in His Lectures on National Economy at London University, pag. 339
L. Mikoletzky, The Interdependence of Economics and Politics. An Example from the Austrorussian Alliance during the Napoleonic Wars, pag. 355

J.K. Siegenthaler, Sicilian Economic Change since 1860, pag. 363

G. Benecke, "Peasants, Procreation and Pensions" by PhilipA. Neher: A Comment, pag. 417
D.J. Loschky, Counterfactuals in Logically Formed Economic Analysis, pag. 421

M. Edelstein, C. ÓGrada, Property Rights and History: A Report of the Meetings of the Economic History Association, pag. 439

A. Olivieri, An Urban Case History: Bordeaux, pag. 447
B. Salvemini, Banking and Documents, pag. 467
A.R. Michell, Regional History or Local History? The Contribution of "Midland History" and "Northern History" to the Writing of English Economic History at a Local Level, pag. 481

a. 2, 1973, n. 1

P. Bairoch, European Foreign Trade in the XIX Century: The Development of the Value and Volume of Exports (Preliminary Results), pag. 5
C.M. Cipolla, The Professions. The Long View, pag. 37
R.F. Kuisel, Technocrats and Public Economic Policy: From the Third to the Fourth Republic, pag. 53

K. Grunwald, The Early Jewish Settlements in Austria: A Chapter of Economic History, pag. 101
K.G. Ponting, Logwood: An Interesting Dye, pag. 109

P. Mathias, Capital, Credit and Enterprise in the Industrial Revolution, pag. 121

R. Cameron, The Logistics of European Economic Growth: A Note on Historical Periodization, pag. 145
J.D. Gould, Currency and Exchange Rate in Sixteenth Century England, pag. 149

M. Del Treppo, The "Crown of Aragon" and the Mediterranean, pag. 161

E. Ashtor, Recent Research on Levantine Trade, pag. 187
M. Aymard, The History of Nutrition and Economic History, pag. 207

J. Kuczynski, The Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, pag. 221

a. 1, 1972, n. 3

E. Ashtor, Banking Instruments between the Muslim East and the Christian West, pag. 553
S. Carlsson, The Dissolution of the Swedish Estates (1700-1865), pag. 574
C. Verlinden, From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic: Aspects of an Economic Shift (12th-18th Century), pag. 625

R.M. Jennings, A.P. Trout, Internal Control: Public Finance in 17th Century France, pag. 647
I. Turnau, Techniques and Organization of Leather Production in Poland from the 16th to the 18th Century, pag. 661

A. Maczak, Agricultural and Livestock Production in Poland: Internal and Foreign Markets, pag. 671
P. Profumieri, Capital and Labour in Italy 1929-1940: An Economic Interpretation, pag. 681

D.J. Loschky, Urbanization and England's Eighteenth Century Crude Death Rate, pag. 697
J. Topolski, The Model Method in Economic History, pag. 713

F. Di Battista, History and Social Sciences: The Second Congress of the "Società degli Storici Italiani", pag. 727

Ph. Clendenning, Eighteenth Century Russian Translations of Western Economic Works, pag. 745

D. Herlihy, Raymond De Roover: Historian of Mercantile Capitalism, pag. 755

A. Di Vittorio, Economic History in Austria over the Last Twenty-Five Years as Represented in National and Local Historical Reviews (1945-1970), pag. 763

a. 1, 1972, n. 2

R. Horváth, The Malthusian Ideas on Population in Hungarian Demography before World War II, pag. 273
H. Kish, From Monopoly to Laissez Faire: The Early Growth of the Wupper Valley Textile Trades, pag. 298

P. Cernovodeanu, Mercantilist Projects to Promote Transylvania's Foreign Trade at the Beginning of the Habsburg Domination, pag. 409
R.A. Goldthwaite, Schools and Teachers of Commercial Arithmetic in Renaissance Florence, pag. 418

J. Leskiewicz, Land Reforms in Poland (1760-1870), pag. 435

C. Wilson, Twenty Years after: Some Reflections on Having Written a Business History, pag. 449

A. Santini, Techniques and Methods in Historical Demography (17th-18th Centuries), pag. 459
G. Tortella, First Colloquium on Spanish Economic History during the Last Fifty Years, pag. 470

S.B. Clough, American Textbooks in European Economic History during the Last Fifty Years, pag. 479

M. Aymard, The "Annales" and French Historiography (1929-1972), pag. 491

a. 1, 1972, n. 1

I.A. Glazier, V.N. Bandera, Terms of Trade between South Italy and the United Kingdom 1817-1869, pag. 7
K. Hardach, Some Remarks on German Economic Historiography and its Understanding of the Industrial Revolution in Germany, pag. 37
J.A. Van Houtte, Economic Development of Belgium and the Netherlands from the Beginning of the Modern Era, pag. 100

C.C. Giurescu, An Old Roumanian Tax with a Byzantine Name: "Pirparul", pag. 121
P. Voltes, Effects of the Spanish Government's Economic Policy in Barcelona between 1884 and 1914, pag. 128

L. Zytkowicz, The Peasant's Farm and the Landlord's Farm in Poland from the 16th to the Middle of the 18th Century, pag. 135

N. Gross, The Triumph of Quantitative Economic History in Budapest, pag. 155

C.M. Higounet, Wine Production and Trade in the History of Europe, pag. 163
F.M. Ruiz, The Battle of Lepanto and the Mediterranean, pag. 166
A. Olivieri, Productivity and Technologies in the 12th to the 17th Centuries, pag. 170

A. Di Vittorio, Financial History in Italy in the Writings of the Last Twenty-Five Years, pag. 181
W. Kaltenstadler, European Economic History in the Recent German Historiography, pag. 193

F. Di Battista, Cuadernos de Historia Económica de Cataluña, pag. 219

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