Roma, Unicredit group
ISSN: 0391-5115
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini", Coll: Riv. 5
Consistenza: a. 7, 1978, 2/3 -
Lacune: a. 21, 1992, 1; a. 21, 1992, 2; a. 23, 1994, 2- a. 23, 1994, 3; a. 24, 1995, 2 - a. 25, 1996, 3; a. 26, 1997, 3-v. 28, 1999, 3;
Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini - Fondo Melis
Consistenza: a. 1, 1972, 1-7, 1978, 1
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Coll.:RIV IT 0861
Consistenza: 1(1972);5(1976) -6(1977);9(1980) -
Lacune: a. 28, 1999, 3; a. 33, 2004, 3; a. 34, 2005, 1; a. 34, 2005, 3; a. 35, 2006, 1;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1972 ]
L. De Rosa, The Balkan Minorities (Slavs and Albanians) in
South Italy, p. 249
P. Fernandez Pérez, Tolerance and Endogarny entrepreneurial
Strategies in XVIIIth Century Spain, p. 271
M. Hau, Industrialization and Culture: the Case of Alsace, p. 295
J. Komlos, The Industrial Revolution as the Escape from the
Malthusian Trap, p. 307
H.A. Wessel, Mannesmann 1890: a European Enterprise with an
International Perspective, p. 335
R. Uoyd-Jones, M.J. Lewis, The Long Wave and Turning Points
in British Industrial Capitalism: a New-Schumpeterian Approach, p. 359
P.Z. Grossman, J. Horvath, The Dynamics of Hungarian Hyperinfation
1945-46 a New Perspective, p. 405
Reviews of books, p. 431
Books received, p. 447
R.L Hopcroft, R.J. Emigh, Divergent Paths of Agrarian Change.
Eastern England and Tuscany Compared, p. 9
Th. Max Safley, Bankruptcy: Family and Finance in Early Modern
Augsburg, p. 53
Christopher J. Schmitz, The World Copper Industry: Geology,
Mining. Techniques and Corporate Growth, 1870-1939, p. 77
Brendan M. Walsh, Urbanization and the Regional Distribution
of population in Post-Famine Ireland, p. 109
K. Deszeri, Introducing Currency Convertibility in Western
Europe in the 1950s, p. 131
John Munro, A Maze of Medieval Monetary Metrology Determining
Mint Weights in Flanders, France and England from the Economics
of Counterfeiting, 1388 - 1469, p. 173
A. M. Piuz, Paul Bairoch (1930-1999), p. 203
Reviews of Books, p. 211
Books received, p. 227
J.T. Kotliaine, Quantifying in Russian Exports via Arkhangel'sk
in the XVIIth Century, p. 249
W. P. McCray, Creating Networks of skill: Technology Transfer
and the Glass Industry in Venice, p. 301
E.C. Tingle, Builders' Wages and Purchasing Power in Eighteenth-century
Brittany, p. 335
G. Karras, Taxes and Growth in Europe: 1885-1987, p. 365
B.C. Beaudreau, Electric Power, Keynes and the $4,86Pound:
a Reexamination of Britain's Return to the Gold Standard, p. 383
P. Mathias, Sidney Pollard, p. 411
Reviews of books, p. 429
Books received, p. 448
M. Dritsas, Monetary Modernisation in Greece: Bimetallism
or the Gold Standard (1833-1920), p. 9
D. Goodman, Armadas in an Age of Scarce Resources: Struggling
to Maintain the Fleet in Seventeenth-century Spain, p. 49
S. Lingarde, A. Tylecote, Resource - Rich Countries' Success
and Failure in Technological Ascent, 1870-1970: the Nordic Countries
versus Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, p. 77
J. Kepler, Estimates of the Volume of Direct Shipments of Tobacco and Sugar from the Chief English Plantations to European
Markets, 1620-1669, p. 115
H. Pohl, Economic Powers and Political Powers in Early Modern
Europe: theory and history, p. 139
F. Butschek, Were there Alternatives to Transition Policies
in Eastern Europe? Some Lessons from the Postwar Reconstruction
in Austria, p. 171
J. H. Mundy, Philip Jones and the Medieval Italian City-State, p. 185
Reviews of books, p. 203
Books received, p. 225
Errata corrige, p. 237
B. Etemad, Europe and Migration after Decolonisation, p. 457
R.A. Goldthwaite, Banking in Florence at the End of the Sixteenth
Century, 471
LM.E. Shaw, The Marquês de Pombal (1699-1782). How HeBroke
Britain's Commercial Ascendancy in Portugal, p. 537
H. Mthçi, Typologies of Industrialization in Historical
Perspective, p. 557
M. Barrio Gozalo, The Financing of the Church and Hospital
of Santiago De Los Españoles in Rome in Early Modern Times, p. 579
M.Haynes, R. Husan, The State and Market in the Transition
Economies: Critical Remarks in the Light of Past History and
the Current Experience, p. 609
J.-F. Bergier, Michel Mollat du Jourdin (1911-1996), p. 647
H. Van der Wee, Charles Verlinden (1907-1996), p. 649
Reviews of books, p. 203
Books received, p. 225
G. Andermann, H. Hockmann, G. Schmitt, Historical Changes
in Land-Labour Relationships in Western Europe, p. 245
A. J. Arnold, "In the Service of the State"? Profitability
in the British Armaments Industry, 1914-1924, p. 285
F. D'Esposito, Portuguese Settlers in Santo Domingo in the
Sixteenth Century (1492-1580), p. 315
O. Prakash, Financing the European Trade with Asia in the
Early Modern Period: Dutch Initiatives and Innovations, p. 331
Chr. Vandenbroeke, Macro-history in Flanders. A Reconstruction
of the Gross Regional Product around 1560, p. 359
A. Van den Berg, The Ups and Downs of Trade-Union Membership
in the Netherlands, p. 367
D. C. Wellington, Innovating Activity in Eighteenth-Century
England and Europe, p. 393
Reviews of books, p. 415
Books received, p. 439
L De Rosa, Immobility and Change in Public Finance 9 in the
Kingdom of Naples, 1649-1806, p. 9
I. Inkster, Motivation and Achievement: Technological Change
and Creative Response in Comparative Industrial History, p. 29
J. Komlos, The New World's Contribution to to Food Consumption
during the Industrial Revolution, p. 67
R. Burt, Proto-industrialisation and "Stages" of Growth
in the Metal Mining Industries, p. 85
M. Lin Lee, D. Loschky, Interdependency between Fertility
and Real Wages in England, 1541- 1871, p. 107
J. McCusker, A Comment on Brian Dooley's Article and B. Dooley's
Reply, p. 135
M. Morineau, Malthus : There and Back, From the Period Preceding
the Black Death to the Industrial Revolution, p. 137
Reviews of books, p. 205
Books received, p. 223
Errata corrige, p. 235
S.L Engerman, J.C. Das Neves, The Bricks of an Empire 1415-1999:
585 years of portuguese Emigration, p. 471
Y. Goo Park, Depression and Capital Formation: the United
Kingdom and Germany, 1873-1896, p. 511
R. Steininger, 1961: Europe "at Sixes and Sevens".
The European Free Trade Association, The Neutrals, and Great
Britain's Decision to join the E.E.C., p. 535
A.M. Blair, The British Iron and Steel Industry since 1945, p. 571
A.G. Esposto, Estimating Regional per capita income: Italy,
1861-1914, p. 585
G.B. Magee, Disease Management in pre-industrial Europe: a
Reconsideration of the Efficacy of the Local Response to Epidemics, p. 605
M. Morineau, A Fresh Look at Fernand Braudel, p. 627
P. Nightingale, England and the European Depression of the
Mid-Fifteenth Century, p. 631
Reviews of books, p. 205
Books received, p. 223
H. Freudenberger, The Linz-Budweis Railways: Technology, Science
and the Economy, pag. 239
P. Molas Ribalta, The Industrial Policy of the Board of Trade
in Spain, pag. 269
C.J. Schmitz, The Changing Structure of the World Copper Market,
1870-1939, pag. 295
C.G. Reed, A.M. Drosso, Labour Services in the Thirteenth
Century, pag. 333
L. De Rosa, Naples, a Capital, pag. 349
F.L. Galassi, K.D. Kauffman, The Economics of Draft Animal
Choice in Italian Agriculture: a Principal-Agent Approach to
the Adoption of an Early Form of Capital, pag. 375
H.A. Wessel, Mannesmann in Great Britain 1888-1936: An Investment
Dependent on Politics and the Market, pag. 399
Reviews of books, pag. 413
Books received, pag. 443
R.B. Ekelund, Jr, D.R. Street, R.D. Tollison, Rent Seeking
and Property Rights' Assigments as a Process: The Mesta Cartel
of Medieval-Mercantile Spain, pag. 9
W.R. Garside, J.J. Greaves, Rationalisation and Britain's
Industrial Malaise: The Interwar Years Revisited, pag. 37
I.P. Minoglou, H. Louri, Diaspora Enterpreneurial Networks
in the Black Sea and Greece, 1870-1917, pag. 69
S. Nicholas, R.H. Steckel, Tall but Poor: Living Standards
of Men and Women in Pre-famine Ireland, pag. 105
J. Smith, I. McLean, The 1381 Peasants' Revolt: Lessons for
1990's?, pag. 137
P. Behre Miskimin, Jews and Christians in the Market-place:
the Politics of Kosher Meat in Metz, pag. 147
LT. Darling, Ottoman Fiscal Administration: Decline or Adaptation?,
pag. 157
Reviews of books, pag. 183
Books received, pag. 209
L. De Rosa, South Italy's Place in the Atlantic Labour Markets
(1860-1907), p. 551
B. Dooley, Printing and Entrepreneurialism in Seventeenth-Century
Italy, p. 569
R. Fremdling, Anglo-German Rivalry in Coal Markets in France,
The Netherlands and Germany 1850-1913, p. 599
S. Lazaretou, Macroeconomic Policies and Nominal Exchange
Rate Regimes: Greece in the Interwar Period, p. 647
J. Black, "A Most Beneficial Treaty for this Country":
Anglo-Neapolitan Commercial Negotiations in 1789, p. 673
J.M. Chevet, National and Regional Corn Markets in France
from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, p. 681
R.J. Emigh, Loans and Livestock: Comparing Landlords' and
Tenants' Declarations from the Catasto of 1427, p. 705
J.D. Tomlinson, No Cosy Deals: The Postwar Settlement and
Economic Growth in Britain, p. 727
Reviews of books, pag. 183
Books received, pag. 209
S. Beretta, From Autarky to Reconstruction Italian International
Economic Policy, p. 263
P. Bernholz, Currency Substitution during Hyperinflation in
the Soviet Union 1922-1924, p. 297
M. Bogucka, The Tipology of the Polish towns during the XVIth
-XVIIIth Centuries, p. 325
L.DeRosa, Land and Sea Transport and Economic Depression in
the Kingdom of Naples from the XIVth to the XVIIIth Century, p. 325
R.C. Michie, The International Trade in Food and the City
of London since 1850, p. 369
T. Kirk, A Little Country in a World of Empires: Genoese Attempts
to Penetrate the Maritime Trading Empires in the Seventeenth
Century, p. 407
M. Jolly, Employment Variability and Mass Production Technology
in the British Automohile Industry during the Interwar Period, p. 425
D.E. Queller, A different Approach to the Pre-modern Cost
of Living: Venice, 1372-1391, p. 441
Ch.-Ch. Lai, Translations of the Wealth of Nations, p. 467
Reviews of books, pag. 503
Books received, pag. 527
F. Arcelli, A Banking Enterprise at the Papal court: The
Company of Antonio della Casa and Jacopo di Michele di Corso
Donati (1438-1440), p. 9
D. Meredith, British Trade Diversion Policy and the Colonial
Issue in the 1930's, p. 33
R. Munting, Becos Traders and the Russian Market in the 1920s, p. 69
G. Pace, European Migration and Middle East Urbanization:
Tel Aviv, the First Jewish City, p. 97
H.G. Schröter, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe,
1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution, p. 129
Ch. Meyers, Lawsuits in Elizabethan Courts of Law: the Adventures
of Dr. Hector Nunez, 1566-1591: A Precis, p. 157
R. Mason, Robert Giffen and the Tariff Reform Campaign, 1865-1910, p. 171
J.P.Hull, From Rostow to Chandler to You: How Revolutionary
Was the Second Industrial Revolution?, p. 191
Reviews of books, pag. 211
Books received, pag. 237
G.J. Ames, Spice and Sulphur: Some Evidence on the Quest for
Economic Stabilization in Portuguese Monsoon Asia, 1668-1682, p. 465
C. Hefeket, Interest Groups, Coalitions and Monetary Integration
in the XIXth Century, p. 489
J.C. Hocquet, Productivity Gains and Technological Change.
Venetian Naval Architecture at the End of the Middle Ages, p. 537
R. Pearson, The Development of Reinsurance Markets in Europe
during the Nineteenth Century, p. 557
J. Fudge, Tudor-Hapsburg Trade Wars and Northern Commercial
Networks 1486-1506, p. 573
A. Santuari, The Société Anonyme in France and
the French Industrial Revolution, 1815-1848, p. 587
E.H. Tuma, Suez Canal: Another Dimension in the European Network, p. 619
Reviews of books, pag. 635
Books received, pag. 661
N.R. Bonnett, Port Wine Merchants: Sandeman in Porto, 1813-1831, p. 239
M. Flandreau, Coin Memories. Estimates of the French Metallic
Currency 1840-1878, p. 271
J.B. Morrell, Bourgeois Scientific Societies and Industrial
Innovation, p. 311
K. Davids, Openness or Secrecy? Industrial Espionage in the
Dutch Republic, p. 333
I. Csöppus, The Compensation Question of Hungary after
World War One, p. 349
G. Stathakis, U.S. Economic Policies in Post Civil War Greece,
1949-1953: Stabilization and Monetary Reform, p. 375
J.P.D. Dunbabin, The Demographic Causes of the Industrial
Revolution. Some Qualifications, p. 403
Reviews of books, pag. 411
Books received, pag. 445
E.S. Brezis, F.H. Crouzet, The Role of Assignats during the
French Revolution: An Evil or A Rescuer?, pag. 7
M. Palairet, Rural Serbia in the Light of the Census of 1863,
pag. 41
C. Rotelli, James Wilson and the 1847 Crisis, pag. 109
R. C. Muellet, The Spufford Thesis on Foreign Exchange: The
Evidence of Excbange Rates, pag. 121
G. Pérez Sarrión, Hydraulic Policy and lrrigation
Works in Spain in the Second Half of Eighteenth-Century,
pag. 131
S.L. Engerman, The Atlantic Economy of the Eighteenth Century:
Some Speculations on Economic Development in Britain America,
Africa, and Elsewhere, pag. 141
Ch.-ch. Lai, Second Thoughts on Fernand Braudel's Civilization
and Capitalism, pag. 177
Reviews of books, pag. 193
Books received, pag. 209
L. De Rosa, Unity or Plurality? Italian Issuing Banks, 1861-1893, p. 453
Ch. J. French, London's Overseas Trade with Europe 1700-1775, p. 475
A. Mai Köll, Peasants in the World Market: Dairy Cooperatives
in Estonia 1908-1936, p. 503
P.Th. Rooney, Hasburg Fiscal Policies in Portugal 1580-1640, p. 545
R.L. Hopcroft, The Origins of Regular Open Field Systems in
Pre-Industrial Europe, p. 563
Th. Brennan, The Anatomy of Inter-regional Markets, in the
Early Modern French Wine Trade, p. 581
G. Krozewski, Rethinking British Imperialism, p. 619
B.W.E. Alford, Chandlerlism, the New Orthodoxy of U.S. and
European Corporate Development, p. 631
Reviews of books, pag. 645
Books received, pag. 669
W. Caferro, Mercenaries and Military Expenditure: The Costs
of Undeclared Warfare in XIVth Centuty Siena, p. 219
I. Erceg, The Salt Trade on the East Coast of Dalmatia and
Istria (XVII-XVIIIth Centuries), p. 249
B. M. Ratcliffe, Manufacturing in the Metropolis: The Dynamism
and Dynamics of Parisian Industry in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, p. 263
J.S. Wheeler, English Financial Operations during the First
Dutch War, 1652-54, p. 329
A. Lykogiannis, The Early Post-War Greek Economy: from Liberation
to the Truman Doctrine, p. 345
E.G. Glas, The Appropriation of the Triano-Somorrostro Mines:
1800-1880, p. 365
N. Sussman, Once More Unto the Breach: A Reply, p. 389
C. Bitossi, Riches and Charity: the Duke and Duchess of Galliera, p. 397
Reviews of books, pag. 645
Books received, pag. 669
F.W. Carter, Settlement and Population during Venetian Rule
(1420-1797): Hvar Island, Croatia, pag. 7
D.E. H. Edgerton, British Industrial R. and D. 1900-1970,
pag. 49
R. Fox, A. Guagnini, Starry Eyes and Harsh Realities: Education,
Research, and the Electrical Engineer in Europe, 1880-1914,
pag. 69
M. Humphreys, An Issue of Confidence: the Decline of the Irish
Whiskey Industry in Independent Ireland, 1922-1952, pag.
M. Virén, A Note on Interest Rate Policy during the
Great Depression, pag. 115
R. J. Salvucci, The Real Exchange Rate of the Mexican Peso,
1762-1812. A Research Note and Estimates, pag. 131
J.L. Simon, Demographic Causes and Consequences of the Industrial
Revolution, pag. 141
J. A. Hassan, A. Duncan, Integrating Energy: the Problems
of Developing an Energy Policy in the European Communities, 1945-1980,
M. A. Romani, Regions in Italian History (XVth-XVIIth Centuries),
pag. 177
Reviews of books, pag. 193
Books received, pag. 209
J.M. Hobson, The Military-Extraction Gap and the Wary Titan:
The Fiscal-Sociology of British Defence Policy 1870-1913,
pag. 461
V. Ilardi, Renaissance Florence: The Optical Capital of the
World, pag. 507
P. Massa Piergiovanni, Tecnological Typologies and Economic
Organisation of Silk Workers in Italy, from the XIVth to XVIIIth
Century, pag. 543
C. Trebilcock, Science, Technology and the Armaments Industry
in the UK and Europe, 1880-1914, pag. 565
K. H. Waldow, The Rise and Decline of the Saltem. Rent-Seeking
at its Best, pag. 581
D.A. Browder, The GI Dollar and the Wirtschaftswunder,
pag. 601
L.W. Eysturlid, "Where Everything is Weighed in the Scales
of Material interest". Anglo-Turkish Trade, Piracy, and
Diplomacy in the Mediterranean during the Jacobean Period,
pag. 613
S. Zabon, The French Mint Production Debate: a New Approach,
pag. 627
Reviews of books, pag. 651
Books received, pag. 659
M. Çizakça, Tax-farming and Financial Decentralization
in the Ottoman Economy, 1520-1697, pag. 219
H.G. Krueger, The Genoese Travelling Merchant in the Twelfth
Century, pag. 251
S. Lazaretou, Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Greece: 1833-1914,
pag. 285
M. Perlman, In Search of Monetaty Union, pag. 313
P.Z. Grossman, Measurement and Assessment of Coal Consumption
in Nineteenth-Century European Economies: A Note, pag. 333
G. Péteri, Reserve and 'vehicle currencies' in the
financial structures of Hungary, 1924-1931, pag. 339
R. Brown, Cultivating a "Green" Image: Oil Companies
and Outdoor publicity in Britain and Europe, 1920-1936, pag.
K. Howell, The role of the Bank for International Settlements
in Central Bank Cooperation, pag. 367
C. D'Elia, Miracles and Mirages in the West German Economy:
A Survey of the Literature of the 1980s, pag. 381
H.A. Miskimin, Once More Unto Breach, pag. 403
Reviews of books, pag. 185
Books received, pag. 201
E.J.T. Collins, Why Wheat? Choice of Good Grains in Europe
in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, pag. 7
S.M. Eddie, I. Hutterer, I. Székely, Changes in the
Social Distribution of Ownership of Large Properties on the Trianon
Territory of Hungary, 1893-1935, pag. 30
G. Karras, Aggregate Demand and Supply Shoks in Europe: 1860-1987,
patg. 79
G. Beck, The Economic Exploitation of Man and Nature in the
Production of Salt: the Case of the South-west German Salines
in the XVIIIth-XIXth Centuries, pag. 99
Ch.-ch Lai, Fernand Braudel's "On History" in Retrospect,
pag. 113
A. McCants, Consumer Behaviour in an Early Modern Dutch Orphanage:
a Wealth of Choice, pag. 121
P. Mathias, Charles Wilson, 1914-1991: Retrospect for an Historian,
pag. 143
A.G. Frank, B.K. Gills, World System Economic Cycles and Hegemonial
Shift to Europe 100 BC to 1500 AD, pag. 155
Reviews of books, pag. 185
Books received, pag. 201
Peter Mathias, The Journal of European Economic History:
Its first twenty years (1972 - 1992)
Introduction, pag. 441
1. Contributions by category, pag. 475
2. Contributions by author, pag. 487
3. Contributions by historical period, pag. 491
4. Geographical coverage by country and region, pag. 497
5. Distribution by period and region, pag. 500
6. Index categories relating to trade and commerce, pag. 507
7. Index categories relating to money and banking, pag. 508
8. Theory and methodology, pag. 544
9. Industrialisation and backwardness, pag. 551
10. Trade, commerce and merchants, pag. 565
11. Finance, money and banking, pag. 569
12. Reviews by author, pag. 576
Costanza D'Elia, Cumulative index of Articles and Book
Reviews (1972 - 1992)
1. Chronological list of contributions, pag. 585
2. Authors, pag. 629
3. Reviews, pag. 677
4. Subject index, pag. 7 15
5. Alphabetic List of Subjects, pag. 975
A.M. Endres, Adam Smith's Treatment of Historical Evidence
as Illustrated from the Theory of Investment Priorities,
pag. 217
R. Romani, Policy Issues and Patriotism in Italian Economic
Thought, 1815-1861, pag. 231
R. W. Unger, Technical Change in the Brewing Industry in Germany,
the Low Countries and England in the Late Middle Ages, pag.
B. Kuhn, Public Welfare and Labour Mobility: the Case of Britain
(1349-1834), Prussia (1696-1871), and Switzerland (1848-1975),
pag. 315
D.C. Wellington, The Anglo-French Commercial Treaty of 1786,
pag. 325
G. Anderson, R.B. Ekelund jr, R.E. Hebert, R.D. Tollison, An
Economic Interpretation of the Medieval Crusades, pag. 339
G. Schrank, Crossroad of the North: Protoindustrialization
in the Orkney Islands, 1730-1840, pag. 365
The Jeeh, Shepard Bancroft Clough, pag. 389
L. Timar, Regional Economic and Social History or Historical
Geography?, pag. 391
Reviews of books, pag. 407
Books received, pag. 421
N.R. Bennett, The Vignerons of the Douro and the Peninsular
War, pag. 7
P.E. Petrakis, H. Panorios, Economic Fluctuations in Greece:
1844-1913, pag. 31
T. Rooth, The Political Economy of Protectionism in Britain,
1919-1932, pag. 47
M.M. Cosgel, Risk Sharing in Medieval Agriculture, pag.
R. Grimm, The Austro-German Relationship, pag. 111
N. Valério, Some Remarks about Growth and Stagnation
in the Mediterranean World in the XIXth and XXth Centuries,
pag. 121
D. Greasley, The Market for South Wales Coal 1874-1913,
pag. 135
N.M. Wijnberg, The Industrial Revolution and Industrial Economics,
pag. 153
D. Loschky, New Perspectives on Seven Centuries of Real Wages,
pag. 169
Reviews of books, pag. 187
Books received, pag. 291
P. Clavin, The World Economic Conference 1933: The Failure
of British Internationalism, pag. 489
Q. Fremdling, The Puddler. A Craftsmen's Skill and the Spread
of a New Technology in Belgium, France and Germany, pag.
F. Williams, Monetary Institutions in Agenais from the Establishment
to the Disappearance of the Agen Mint, pag. 569
P.L. Syklos, Fiscal Policy and Inflationary Expectations:
the Hungarian Tax Pengö Experiment of 1946, pag. 615
F. Devoto, Indian Emigrants and Argentine Society. Problems
of Models and Sources, pag. 629
Ch, Tilly, L. Tilly, R. Tilly, European Economic and Social
History in the 1990s, pag. 645
H.A. Miskimin, Missing Bullion or Missing Documents: A Rejoinder,
pag. 673
N. Sussman, A Reply, pag. 677
Reviews of books, pag. 693
Books received, pag. 711
G. Balachandran, Gold and Empire: Britain and India in the
Great Depression, pag. 239
H. Kiesewetter, Competition for Wealth and Power. The Growing
Rivalry between Industrial Britain and Industrial Germany 1815-1914,
pag. 271
H. Root, Privilege and the Regulation of the Eighteenth-Century
French Trades, pag. 301
T.P. Barbiero, Agriculture, Demand and Industrial Growth in
Lombardy, 1861-1914, pag. 349
Ch-ch. Lai, Types of Economic Ideas in Late Imperial China
and the Role of western Thought, pag. 365
R. Burt, M. Timbell, Multiple Products and The Economics of
the Mining Industries: The Case of Arsenic Production in South
West England, 1850-1914, pag. 379
P. Scholliers, Index-Linked Wages, Purchasing Power and Social
Conflict Between the Wars: the Belgian Approach (Internationally
Compared), pag. 407
P. Lains, J. Reis, Portuguese Economic Growth, 1833-1985:
Some Doubts, pag. 441
A.B. Nunes, E. Mata, N. Valério, Portuguese Economic
Growth 1833-1985: Some Comments, p. 455
Reviews of books, pag. 459
Books received, pag. 473
G.J. Ames, The Carreira da India, 1668-1682: Maritime Enterprise
and the Quest for Stability in Portugal's Asian Empire, pag.
S. Faroqhi, The Fieldglass and the Magniying Lens: Studies
of ottoman Crafts and Craftsmen, pag. 29
S. Howson, The Problem of Monetary Control in Britain, 1948-51,
pag. 59
G.J. Svoboda, The Foreign Trade of Fifteenth-Century Bohemia,
pag. 93
J. neumann, Economic Aspects of the British Decision to Send
a Naval Force to the Baltic Early in 1801, pag. 125
V. Zamagni, Industrial Wages and Worker's Protest in Italy
during the "Biennio Rosso" (1919-1920), pag. 137
G. Hammersley, The Effect of Technical Change in the British
Copper Industry Between the Sixteenth and the Eighteenth Centuries,
pag. 155
R.A. Horvath, Population Theories in Hungary in the Late XVIIIth
Century, pag. 175
A.P. Papadopulos, An Interpretation of Post-War Stabilization
Policies in the Greek Economy: 1953-1981, pag. 187
Reviews of books, pag. 207
Books received, pag. 223