XLV Settimana di Studi


Prato, 14-18 aprile 2013

Atti a cura di Simonetta Cavaciocchi
Firenze, 2014

L'affrancamento di uno schiavo, Iustinianus Augustus
L'affrancamento di uno schiavo, Iustinianus Augustus [imperatore d'Oriente], Digestum novum seu Pandectorum libri cum commento Accursii, miniatore francese, sec. XIV, ms. S. IV.4, c. 33v
© Cesena, Biblioteca Malatestiana

Domenica 14 aprile


Sergej PAVLOVIC KARPOV (Mosca), Schiavitù e servaggio nell'economia europea. Secc. XI-XVIII

Lunedì, 15 aprile

Il servaggio e il sistema istituzionale / Serfdom and the Institutional System

Christopher BRIGGS (Cambridge, UK), English Serfdom, c.1200-c.1350: towards an Institutionalist Analysis
Sheilagh OGILVIE (Cambridge, UK), Serfdom and the Institutional System in Early Modern Germany
Alexander KLEIN (Kent), The Institutions of the 'Second Serfdom' and Economic Efficiency: Review of the Existing Evidence for Bohemia
Tracy DENNISON (California Institute of Technology, USA), The Institutional Framework of Serfdom in Russia: the View from 1861

Le condizioni della scomparsa, rinascita o sopravvivenza del servaggio / The conditions of disappearance, survival or revival of serfdom

Francesco PANERO (Torino), Il nuovo servaggio dei secoli XII-XIV in Italia: ricerche socio-economiche sul mondo contadino e comparazioni con alcune regioni dell'Europa mediterranea
Michael North (Greifswald), Serfdom and Corvée Labour in the Baltic Area 16th-18th Centuries

Pere ORTI GOST, Lluís TO FIGUERAS (Girona), Serfdom and Standards of Living of the Catalan Peasantry before and after the Black Death of 1348
Rosa LLUCH-BRAMON (Barcelona), Remences pauvres, remences riches: les inégalités économiques (Vieille Catalogne, XIV-XVI)

Martedì, 16 aprile

Regimi signorili in Europa orientale: la diffusione del servaggio e il consolidamento dell'economia / The seigniorial regimes in a Eastern Europe: the spread of serfdom and their relationships with the world economy

Markus CERMAN (Wien), Seigniorial Systems in East-central and Eastern Europe, 1300-1800: Regional Realities
Piotr GUZOWSKI (Bialystok), The Role of Enforced Labour in the Economic Development of Church and Royal Estates in 15th and 16th-century Poland
Alessandro STANZIANI (EHESS), Serfs, slaves or Indentured People? Forms of Bondage in Russia and Central Asia, from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century
Antal SZÁNTAY (Budapest), Serfdom in 18th Century Hungary

Carsten PORSKROG RASMUSSEN (Aarhus, DK), Forms of Serfdom and Bondage in the Danish Monarchy
Marten SEPPEL (Tartu), The Growth of the State and its Consequences on the Structure of Serfdom in the Baltic Provinces, 1550-1750

La schiavitù in Europa dal Medioevo al XVIII secolo / The slavery in Europe from the Middle Ages until the 18th century

Salvatore BONO (Perugia), Schiavi in Europa nell'età moderna : diversità di forme e di aspetti
Jeffrey FYNN-PAUL (Leiden) Reasons for the Limited Scope and Duration of 'Renaissance Slavery' in Southern Europe (ca. 1348-ca. 1750): A New Structuralist Analysis

Anti SELART (Tartu - Estonia), Slavery in the Eastern Baltic in the 12th-15th centuries
Juliane SCHIEL (Zurigo), Die Sklaven und die Pest. Überlegungen zur Bedeutung der Pest für die Haussklaverei in Venedig
Francesco GUIDI BRUSCOLI (Firenze), Bartolomeo Marchionni and the Trade in African Slaves in the Mediterranean World at the End of the Fifteenth Century
Flocel SABATÉ (Leida), Gli schiavi davanti alla giustizia nella Catalogna bassomedievale

Mercoledì, 17 Aprile

La schiavitù in Europa dal Medioevo al XVIII secolo / The slavery in Europe from the Middle Ages until the 18th century

Aurelia MARTÍN CASARES (Granada/Londra), Evolution of the Origin of Slaves Sold in Spain from the Late Middle Ages till the 18th century
Raúl GONZÁLEZ ARÉVALO (Granada), Ordenanzas municipales y trabajo esclavo en la Corona de Castilla (Siglos XV-XVI)
Judith SPICKSLEY (York), The Decline of Slavery for Debt in Western Europe in the Medieval Period
Filipa RIBEIRO DA SILVA (Amsterdam), Il commercio di schiavi nell'Europa sud-occidentale a metà del XVIII secolo: uno sguardo sull'importazione di “Negri da India, Cacheo, Angola e Brasile” a Lisbona

Magnus RESSEL (Bochum), Protestant Slaves in Northern Africa during the Early Modern Age
Anne BROGINI (Nice), Au coeur de l'esclavage méditerranéen : Malte aux XVIe-XVIIe siècles

La tratta degli schiavi / The slave trade

Kenneth MORGAN (London), The Flows of the Slave Trade: National Flags, African Region of Departure, and American Region of Arrival, 1501-1867
Dienke HONDIUS (Amsterdam), West-European Urban Networks in the History of Slavery and the Slave Trade: New Research Perspectives from the Netherlands
Matthias VAN ROSSUM (Amsterdam), 'To Sell Them in Other Countries and to Make Their Profit'. The Dynamics of Private Slave Trade and Ownership under the Dutch East India Company (VOC)
Karwan FATAH-BLACK (Leiden), A Network to Encourage the Slave Trade? Paramaribo-Middelburg-Amsterdam, 1783-1793

Iván ARMENTEROS MARTÍNEZ (Barcelona), Towards the Atlantic Mediterranean. Catalan Participation in the Early Atlantic Slave Trade (Late Fifteenth—Early Sixteenth Century)
Nuala ZAHEDIEH (Edinburgh), Monopoly and Free Trade. Changes in the Organization of the British Slave Trade, 1660-1720

Giovedì, 18 Aprile

Tavola rotonda

Markus CERMAN (Wien), 'Serfdom' and Slavery in European History since the Middle Ages: Identifying Common Aspects for Future Research. Contribution to the Final Round Table
Paolo MALANIMA (Napoli), Serfdom in Eastern Europe after the Revisions
Sheilagh OGILVIE (Cambridge)

Intervento conclusivo

Maria Grazia GIAMMARINARO (Rappresentante Speciale OSCE e Coordinatrice per la Lotta alla tratta di esseri umani), Human Trafficking in Contemporary Europe: Features of the Phenomenon and Actions tor Combating it and for Protecting the Victims

© Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini"