2025 Study Week
2025 participant's card
2024 Study Week
Editorial Regulations
1969-2026 topics
2025 Study Week
2025 participant's card
2024 Study Week
Editorial Regulations
1969-2026 topics
LII Study Week
La moda come motore economico: innovazione di processo e prodotto, nuove strategie commerciali, comportamento dei consumatori
Fashion as an economic engine: process and product innovation, commercial strategies, consumer behavior
May 10th-12th 2021 (conference online)Ubuchasym de Baldach, Theatrum sanitatis, Ms. 4182, TAV. 205 , XIV sec.
© Biblioteca Casanatense, Roma
Monday, 10th May
Greetings from the Mayor
Greetings from the President of the Scientific Committee
Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli(Bologna), Inaugural speech
Greetings from the President of the Scientific Committee
Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli(Bologna), Inaugural speech
Chairman: Francesco Ammannati
Tatiana Markaki (Amsterdam), Innovations and the art of deception: mixed cloths in Venetian Crete (17th century)
Lluís To Figueras (Girona), Drapers and tailors : Fashion and consumption in medieval Catalonia
John Styles (Hertfordshire), Re-fashioning Industrial Revolution: Fibres, fashion and technical innovation in British cotton textiles, 1630-1780
Tatiana Markaki (Amsterdam), Innovations and the art of deception: mixed cloths in Venetian Crete (17th century)
Lluís To Figueras (Girona), Drapers and tailors : Fashion and consumption in medieval Catalonia
John Styles (Hertfordshire), Re-fashioning Industrial Revolution: Fibres, fashion and technical innovation in British cotton textiles, 1630-1780
Chairman: Philippe Bernardi
Germán Navarro Espinach, Joaquín Aparici Martí (Zaragoza), The Colour of Valencian Silk Fabrics in the European Market (1475-1513)
Laurel Ann Wilson (New York), The Impact of Technological Change on Medieval Fashion
Nadia Fernández de Pinedo (Madrid), Maria Paz Moral (Leioa-Erandio), Emiliano Fernández de Pinedo (Leioa-Erandio), Un changement radical dans la consommation de tissus par la royauté et son milieu (1293-1504) : de la laine au lin et à la soie
Julien Villain (Évry), L'innovation de produit et les dynamiques de l'offre sur les marchés des étoffes de laine dans la France du XVIIIe siècle. Quelques aperçus quantitatifs et qualitatifs
Germán Navarro Espinach, Joaquín Aparici Martí (Zaragoza), The Colour of Valencian Silk Fabrics in the European Market (1475-1513)
Laurel Ann Wilson (New York), The Impact of Technological Change on Medieval Fashion
Nadia Fernández de Pinedo (Madrid), Maria Paz Moral (Leioa-Erandio), Emiliano Fernández de Pinedo (Leioa-Erandio), Un changement radical dans la consommation de tissus par la royauté et son milieu (1293-1504) : de la laine au lin et à la soie
Julien Villain (Évry), L'innovation de produit et les dynamiques de l'offre sur les marchés des étoffes de laine dans la France du XVIIIe siècle. Quelques aperçus quantitatifs et qualitatifs
Tuesday, 11th May
Chairman: Olga Katsiardi
Moïra Dato (Firenze), Pascale Gorguet-Ballesteros (Parigi), Lyonnais Silks “ad uttimo gusto”: Fashion and Marketing Strategies between France and Italy in the 18th Century. The Case of the Male Waistcoat
Daniel Muñoz Navarro (Valencia), The Virus of Fashion. Democratization of Luxury and New Commercial Strategies in Early Modern Valencia
Klas Nyberg (Stoccolma), The production of international fashion in state-sponsored manufactures in Sweden-Finland, 1740-1810
Aris Kafantogias (Vienna), The catalyst of change: The clothing of the Viennese servants and their relation to fashion in the period 1760-1823
Moïra Dato (Firenze), Pascale Gorguet-Ballesteros (Parigi), Lyonnais Silks “ad uttimo gusto”: Fashion and Marketing Strategies between France and Italy in the 18th Century. The Case of the Male Waistcoat
Daniel Muñoz Navarro (Valencia), The Virus of Fashion. Democratization of Luxury and New Commercial Strategies in Early Modern Valencia
Klas Nyberg (Stoccolma), The production of international fashion in state-sponsored manufactures in Sweden-Finland, 1740-1810
Aris Kafantogias (Vienna), The catalyst of change: The clothing of the Viennese servants and their relation to fashion in the period 1760-1823
Chairman: Gaetano Sabatini
Peter Stabel (Antwerp), Unlikely Followers of Fashion? Dressing the Poor in Late Medieval Bruges cotton textiles, 1630-1780
Máximo García Fernández (Valladolid), Consumos de apariencia en la Castilla moderna
Juan Vicente García Marsilla, Luis Almenar Fernández (Valencia), Fashion, Emulation and Social Classes in Late Medieval Valencia. Exploring Textile Consumption through Probate Inventories
Elizabeth Currie (Londra), Action Men: Martial Fashions in Florence, 1530-1630
Peter Stabel (Antwerp), Unlikely Followers of Fashion? Dressing the Poor in Late Medieval Bruges cotton textiles, 1630-1780
Máximo García Fernández (Valladolid), Consumos de apariencia en la Castilla moderna
Juan Vicente García Marsilla, Luis Almenar Fernández (Valencia), Fashion, Emulation and Social Classes in Late Medieval Valencia. Exploring Textile Consumption through Probate Inventories
Elizabeth Currie (Londra), Action Men: Martial Fashions in Florence, 1530-1630
Wednesday, 12th May
Chairman: Giuseppe Petralia
Salvatore Ciriacono, Maryanne Kowaleski, Michael North
Salvatore Ciriacono, Maryanne Kowaleski, Michael North