E-journal of Portuguese History

Brown University, Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
ISSN: 1645-6432

Rivista on line all'indirizzo web:
consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. I, 2003, 1-

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. I, 2003, 1-v. 19, 2021, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2003 ]

copertina della rivista

SPECIAL ISSUE: Portuguese-Speaking Sephardic Women in the Premodern World
Erik Odegard, Sephardic Women Between Dutch Atlantic Worlds, 1654–1680 , p. 1
Hugo Martins, Customs, Rites, and Popular Traditions: Domestic Sphere and Family Life Among Women of the Portuguese Nation , p. 22
Sophie Rose, Contesting Ketubas, Negotiating Nuptials: Sephardic Women and Colonial Law in Eighteenth-Century Suriname, p. 54

Alicia Miguélez, Pedro Martins, The Uses of the Medieval Past in Contemporary European Political Discourse: Some Reflections Arising from the Portuguese Cas, p. 73
Fernanda Sposito, Portuguese Invasions in Paraguay-Río de la Plata During the Iberian Union: Moving Between Local Conflicts and Imperial Projects, p. 103
Paulo Teodoro de Matos, Portuguese Colonial Cities on the Atlantic Coasts: A Demographic Study, 1776–1809 , p. 133
Juan José Diáz Benítez, British Military Planning on Portugal in the Second World War , p. 173

Kwasi Konadu, Many Black Women of this Fortress: Graça, Mónica and Adwoa, Three Enslaved Women of Portugal’s African Empire. London: Hurst & Company, 2022, p. 177
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, Rewriting the History of Portuguese Empire: Bottom-up, Gendered, and Emotional Perspectives, p. 193
Bronwen Everill Weaponizing Gender: Inquisition Records and Portuguese Slavery in West Africa , p. 201

Book reviews, p. 205

SPECIAL ISSUE: Migrations and Diasporas in Portuguese Speaking Africa(s)
Philip J. Havik, Malyn Newitt, Preface, , p. 1
Philip J. Havik, Introduction: Migrations, Diasporas, and Identities in Lusophone Africa, p. 6
Allegra Ayid, Pre-Colonial Lusophone Kingship and Elite Migrations: A Case Study of the Warri Kingdom , p. 30
Ana Rita Amaral, Um Portuense em África: Notes for a Biography of a Luso-African Archive , p. 47
Marilla MacGregor, Confronting Different Realities: Libraries in Cabo Verde and the Case for Comparative Librarianship , p. 68
Aleida Mendes BorgesEmigration and Citizenship: Diaspora Political Engagement in Cabo Verde, p. 86
Nikkie Wiegink, Resettlements in Mozambique: Development, Displacement, and Control in the (Post)Colony , p. 113
Salvador Forquilha, João Pereira, Migration Dynamics and the Making of the Jihadi Insurgency in Northern Mozambique, p. 132

Claude B. Stuczynski, A Message from the Cortes de amor: An Admonishment on New Christians Attributed to Father António Vieira, p. 155
Fernando Dores Costa, Mouzinho da Silveira or the Unforeseen Revolution, p. 191
Richard Cleminson, Anticolonialism in Early Twentieth-Century Portugal: The Ambivalences of Race and Transnationalism in O Negro (1911) , p. 218

SPECIAL ISSUE: Management of Diversity in the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1974 – Part 2
Philip J. Havik, Creolization and Empire: Creating Diversity and Navigating Social Change in Portuguese West Africa, p. 1
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, Portuguese Slave Legislation and the First Wave of Uprisings by Enslaved Africans in the Iberian Atlantic World, 1400s-1500s, p. 24
Noelle N. Richardson, Managing Diversity in the Eighteenth-Century Estado da Índia, p. 40
Ricardo Roque, The ‘Ethno-Political Multiple’: Colonial Investigations of Indigenous Polities in East Timor, p. 67

ROUNDTABLE: Francisco Bethencourt (eds.). Inequality in the Portuguese Speaking World. Global and Historical Perspectives. Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2018
Pedro Machad, Concept Creep, p. 111
Carlos da Silva, Jr., Slavery and Racism as Major Factor of Structural Inequalities in Brazil in the Long-run, p. 117
Beatriz Catão Cruz Santos, From Dances to Awnings and Arches: The Corpus Christi Procession of Porto in the 18th, p. 123

Francisco Bethencourt, Managing Diversity in the Portuguese Empire
Bruno Romero Ferreira Miranda, Mariana Albuquerque Dantas, A Government of Indigenous Peoples: Administration, Land, and Work in the State of Brazil during the Portuguese Empire (1548-1822)
Ana Guardião, A Matter of Control: Colonial and Humanitarian Population Management Strategies, Angolan Refugees' Resistance, and the Politics of Difference (1961-1964)
Zachary Kagan Guthrie, Race and Labor in Beira during the Era of Imperial Reform
Sarah Albiez-Wieck, Taxing Calidad: The Case of Spanish America and the Philippines
Edmond Smith, Practicing Exclusion and Managing Diversity in England's Trade and Empire, 1550-1700

António Manuel Hespanha, Filhos da Terra: Identidades mestiças nos confins da expansão portuguesa, Lisbon: Tinta da China, 2019
Zoltán Biedermann, Commentary on António Manuel Hespanha, Filhos da Terra. Identidades mestiças nos confins da expansão portuguesa
Edgar Pereira, Reappraising Informal Imperialism in the Early Modern Portuguese Expansion A Commentary on António Hespanha's Filhos da Terra

Susana Varela Flor, “The Palace of the Soul Serene”: Queen Catherine of Braganza and the Consumption of Tea in Stuart England (1662-1693)

Liliana Oliveira, Naval Logistics and Imperial Consolidation: Powerplays Between the Central Powers and Private Entrepreneurship (1481-1640)
Stuart B. Schwartz, Ana Hutz, Brazil in the Global Economy of the Catholic Monarchy: The Dutch Capture of Salvador da Bahia and the 'Merchants' War'. Arbitrio of Francisco de Retama
Carla Vieira, Pombal and the Jews: Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo's Views on Judaism, Jews and New Christians
Adelaide Vieira Machado, The Intellectual Biography of Pracasha (1928-1937) as a Contribution to the Cultural Study of Democratic Thought in Goa
Catherine S. Chan, José Luís de Sales Marques, Extradition, Extraterritoriality, and Murder: Managing Portuguese Criminals in Chinese Port Cities
Luísa Tiago de Oliveira, Practices and Representations: The Portugal of Michel Giacometti

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