E-journal of Portuguese History

Brown University, Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
ISSN: 1645-6432

Rivista on line all'indirizzo web:
consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. I, 2003, 1-

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. I, 2003, 1-v. 19, 2021, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2003 ]

copertina della rivista


Editorial note
José Mattoso, Histories of Portugal
José Augusto de Sottomayor-Pizarro, Some reflections on the Middle Ages
Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, The Temptation of the Synthesis
Francisco Bethencourt, The early modern period
Fernanda Olival, Portugal in the 16th and 17th centuries
Maria de Fátima Bonifáciom, Two comments on the contemporary period
Pedro Aires Oliveira, The Contemporary Era

v. 8, 2010, 1

Cláudio De Nipoti, Libraries and the book trade in Portugal - the papers of Marino Miguel Franzino
Isilda Braga da Costa Monteiro, The military in the Chamber of Deputies 1851-1870 - corporative lines of action in defense of the army
Alexandre Mendes Cunha, Police Science and Cameralism in Portuguese Enlightened Reformism: economic ideas and the administration of the State during the second half of the 18th century
Francisco Vieira; Helena da Silva; Pedro Pinto, Evolution of Nursing Education in Portugal - a historical analysis of the Nursing School at the Hospital Geral de Santo António in Porto (1896-1947)

Review articles
Surveys and debates
Book reviews

v. 7, 2009, 2

Judite Antonieta Gonçalves de Freitas, Portuguese Royal Chancellery in the late middle ages: diplomatic and political society (1970-2005)
Susana Münch Mirando, Centre and periphery in the administration of the royal exchequer of Estado da Indida (1517-1640)
Ángel Alloza Aparicio, Portuguese contraband and the closure of the Iberian markets, 1621-1640. The economic roots of an anti-Habsburg sentiment
Gilberta Pavão Nunes Rocha, Eduardo Ferriera, Azorean emigration in the context of social change: some notes from the press in São Miguel (1920-1950)

Review articles
Surveys and debates
Book reviews

v. 7, 2009, 1

José Antonio Guillén Berrendero, Honour and service. Álvaro Ferreira da Vera and the idea of nobility in Habsbourg Portugal
Alida Metcalf, Mapping the Traveled Space: Hans Staden's Maps in Warhaftige Historia
Ernesto Castro Leal, Parties and Political Identity: the Construction of the Party System of the Portuguese Republic (1910-1926)

Review Articles
Book reviews

v. 6, 2008, 2

Teresa Fonseca, The municipal administration in Elvas during the Portuguese Restoration War (1640-1668)
Marcia Maria Mendes Motta, Consecrating dominions and generating conflict. The sesmaria grants - 1795/1822 Brazil
Fernando Dores Costa, Army size, military recruitment and financing in Portugal in the period of the Peninsula War - (1808-1810)
Maria Inácia Rezola, The Franco - Salazar Meetings. Foreign policy and Iberian relations during the dictatorships (1942-1963)

Zulmira Santos, The Interuniversitary Centre for History of Spirituality - University of Porto. An overview through research projects.
Paula Pinto Costa, Militarium Ordinum Analecta: New approaches based on documental sources

Book reviews

v. 6, 2008, 1

Anísio Sousa Saraiva, Nepotism, illegitimacy and papal protection in the construction of a career: Rodrigo Pires de Oliveira, bishop of Lamego (1311-1330 †)
João Figueirôa Rêgo, Family genealogical memory: formation, cleansing and social reception (Portugal-16th to 18th century
Rita Martins de Sousa, Brazilian Gold and the Lisbon Mint House (1720-1807)

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research
Book reviews

v. 5, 2007, 2

Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, Medieval Portuguese Royal Chronicles. Topics in a Discourse of Identity and Power
Hermínia Vilar, Canons and Cities: Cathedral Chapters and Social Composition in Medieval Portugal.
Jacopo Corrado, The Rise of a New Consciousness: Early Euro-African Voices of Dissent in Colonial Angola.

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research
Book reviews

v. 5, 2007, 1

Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues, "For The Honor of her lineage and body": the dowers and dowries of some late medieval Queens of Portugal.
Fernando Taveira da Fonseca, The Social and Cultural Roles of the University of Coimbra (1537-1820). Some considerations.
Daniel Melo, Out of Sight, Close to the Heart: Regionalist Voluntary Associations in the Portuguese Empire.
Maria Eugénia Mata, Inter-racial Marriage in the Last Portuguese Colonial Empire.

Book reviews

v. 4, 2006, 2

Ana Maria C. M. Jorge, The Lusitanian Episcopate in the 4th Century: Priscillian of Ávila and the Tensions Between Bishops.
José Pedro Paiva, Bishops and Politics: The Portuguese Episcopacy During the Dynastic Crisis of 1580.
Paula Santos, Relations Between Portugal and Brazil (1930-1945) - The Relationship Between the Two National Experiences of the Estado Novo.
Lúcia Maria Paschoal Guimarães, Echos of the 'política do espírito' in the Brazilian Historical and Geographic Institute: Salazar Delegates to the IV Encounter of National History.

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research
Book reviews

v. 4, 2006, 1

José Augusto de Sotto Mayor Pizarro, The participation of the nobility in the reconquest and in the military orders.
Ana Maria Homem Leal de Faria, Duarte Ribeiro de Macedo. A Modern Diplomat (1618-1680).
Ana Cristina Araújo, The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 - Public Distress and Political Propaganda.
José Manuel Viegas Neves, On Communism and Nation - Notes from the History of the Colonial Question in the Portuguese Communist Party.

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research

v. 3, 2005, 2

Fernando de Sousa, The Silk Industry In Trás-Os-Montes During the Ancient Regime
Marcia Maria Menendes Motta, The Sesmarias In Brazil: Colonial Land Policies In The Late Eighteenth Century
Jorge Flores, I will do as my father did': On Portuguese and other European views of Mughal succession crises
Augusto Fitas, The Portuguese Academic Community and the Theory of Relativity
Alvaro Garrido, The Portuguese New State and the Multilateral Management of Fisheries - Science, Law and Diplomacy (1948-1974)

Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, Margarida Sobral Neto, Portuguese Communications in the Middle and Modern Ages
Ph.D. Dissertations in Early Modern History

v. 3, 2005, 1

Amândio Jorge Morais Barros, Oporto: The Building of a Maritime Space in the Early Modern Period
Fernando Dores Costa, Interpreting the Portuguese War of Restoration (1641-1668) in a European Context
Lúcia Maria Cardoso Rosas, The Restoration of Historic Buildings Between 1835 and 1929: The Portuguese Taste
Nicolau Andresen Leitão, The Reluctant European. A Survey of the Literature on Portugal and European Integration 1947-1974

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research
Book reviews

v. 2, 2004, 2

Fernanda Olival, Structural Changes within the 16th-century Portuguese Military Orders
Joaquim de Carvalho, Micro-Historical Perspectives on Moral Choices: Case Studies from Early Modern Portugal
André Belo, Between History and Periodicity: Printed and Hand-Written News in 18th-Century Portugal
Am Hespanha, Introduction to Constitutional and State history in Portugal in the 19th Century
Maria de Fátima Nunes, On the History of Science in Portugal (1930-1940). The Sphere of Action of a Scientific Community

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research

v. 2, 2004, 1

Paula Pinto Costa, The Military Orders Established in Portugal in the Middle Ages: a Historiographical Overview
Isabel dos Guimarães Sá, Catholic Charity in Perspective: The Social Life of Devotion in Portugal and its Empire (1450 - 1700)
Leonor Freire Costa, Merchants Groups in the Seventeenth-Century Brazilian Sugar Trade. Reappraising Old Topics with New Research Insights
Luísa Leal de Faria, The Two Cultures in Nineteenth-Century Portugal: Scholarship v. Science in Higher Education
Luís Nuno Rodrigues, About-Face: The United States and Portuguese Colonialism in 1961

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research

v. 1, 2003, 2

Luís Miguel Duarte, The Portuguese Medieval Parliament: are we asking the right questions?
Dejanirah Couto, The Linguas in the Portuguese Empires - XVI Century
Carmen M. Radulet, Cósimo III of Medici and the Portuguese Restoration - a Voyage to Portugal in 1668-1669
Manuel Baiôa, Paulo Jorge Fernandes, Filipe Ribeiro de Menezes, The Political History of Twentieth-Century Portugal
Nuno Madureira, Opportunity and Chance. The Introduction of Sampling Techniques in Portugal

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research

v. 1, 2003, 1

Vicente Angel Alvarez Palenzuela, Relations between Portugal and Castile in the Late Middle Ages (13th - 16th centuries)
Peter C. Emmer, The First Global War: The Dutch Versus Iberia in Asia, Africa and the New World, 1590-1609
Nuno Monteiro, Portuguese Nobilities in the European Context (Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries): A Historiographical Overview
Manuel Baiôa, Paulo Jorge Fernandes, Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses, The Political History of Nineteenth-Century Portugal
Maria Ioannis B. Baganha, From Closed to Open Doors: Portuguese Emigration under the Corporative Regime

Surveys and Debates
Institutions and Research

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