Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini", Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 72, 2024, 2

Saska Heino, Taxation and inequality: A revisionary study of changing income inequality in Finland, 1961–2005, p. 89-108
Nina Trige Andersen, Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir, Silke Neunsinger, Pete Pesonen, Vilhelm Vilhelmsson, Hanne Østhus, Longer, broader, deeper, and more personal – the renewal of labour history in the Nordic countries, p. 109-125
Adam Grimshaw, English commercial ascendancy and the growth in competition for Baltic markets, 1650–1700, p. 126-152
Petja Lyn Langholz, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, Old-age mortality and social class in northern Norway in the first half of the twentieth century, p. 153-170

v. 72, 2024, 1

Zenonas Norkus, Domantas Jasilionis, Ola Honningdal Grytten, Ilmārs Mežs, Martin Klesment, Mortality transition in the interwar Baltic states: findings from cross-country comparison of new life tables, p. 1-24
Elisabeth Lindberg, Unnecessary radicalism: the limits of economic ideas in political thinking. The Swedish debate on balance of payments 1967–1976 and the question of fiscal austerity, p. 25-48
Anders Ahlbäck, Fia Sundevall, Johanna Hjertquist, A Nordic model of gender and military work? Labour demand, gender equality and women’s integration in the armed forces of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, p. 49-66
Marcin Wroński, Income inequality in the Duchy of Warsaw (1810/11), p. 67-81

v. 71, 2023, 3

Erik Lakomaa, Svante Prado, Editorial, p. 227-228
Lars Bruno, Jari Eloranta, Jari Ojala, Jaakko Pehkonen, Road to unity? Nordic economic convergence in the long run, p. 229-246
Lars Ahnland, Survey article on Nordic financialisation in the long run, p. 247-257
Viktor Persarvet, Marja Erikson, Mats Morell, Market growth, coordination problems and control – the timing of enclosures in East Central Sweden 1807–1892, p. 258-280
Matteo Pompermaier, Women and wealth in Sweden: the case of Uppsala, 1850–1910, p. 281-298
Peter Gladoić Håkansson, Tobias Karlsson, Matti La Mela, Running out of time: using job ads to analyse the demand for messengers in the twentieth century, p. 299-318

v. 71, 2023, 2

Gregory Ferguson-Cradler, Narrative and computational text analysis in business and economic history, p. 103-127
Fredrik N. G. Andersson, The quest for economic stability: a study on Swedish stabilisation policies 1873–2019, p. 128-156
Simon Gogl, The German construction industry and industrial self-responsibility in occupied Europe, 1939–45, p. 157-175
Anna Knutsson, Hanna Hodacs, When coffee was banned: strategies of labour and leisure among Stockholm’s poor women, 1794–1796 and 1799–1802, p. 176-198
Merja Uotila, Maare Paloheimo, Textiles in blue: production, consumption and material culture in rural areas in early-nineteenth century Finland, p. 199-217

Book Reviews, p. 218

v. 71, 2023, 1

Kasper Hage Stjern, The Norwegian forest concession law of 1909 and concession policy 1909–28, p. 1-20
Martin Kragh, Nationalisation of foreign property in the Russian revolution: the Swedish case, p. 21-35
Lars-Fredrik Andersson, Liselotte Eriksson, Household risk strategies during a pandemic – experiences from the 1918 influenza pandemic, p. 36-57
Lars Christian Bruno, Natural resources and economic growth: comparing nineteenth century Scandinavia and twentieth century Southeast Asia, p. 58-79
Anton Svensson, Erik Bengtsson, Income inequality in an industrial city during the great levelling: micro level evidence from Malmö, 1900–1950, p. 80-95

Book Reviews, p. 96

v. 70, 2022, 3

Juha-Matti Granqvist, Wreckage recycled. Salvage auctions and their economic impact in eighteenth century Sweden, p. 219-233
Petri Roikonen, Income inequality in Finland, 1865-2019, p. 234-251
Mikko Moilanen, Sindre Myhr, Stein Østbye, Scraping the bottom of the barrel? Evidence on social mobility and internal migration from rural areas in nineteenth-century Norway, p. 252-272
Fay Lundh Nilsson, Per-Olof Grönberg, A technical workforce for regional industrial development? Origin and dispersion of graduates from the technical secondary schools in Malmö and Borås 1855-1930, p. 273-299
Jan Tore Klovland, The price of neutrality: ocean freight rates and shipping policy towards the Northern Neutrals during the First World War, p. 300-319

v. 70, 2022, 2


Klara Arnberg, Eirinn Larsen, Ann-Catrin Östman, Gender and economic history in the Nordic countries, p. 113-122
Paulina de los Reyes, Migrant mothers: work, nation and racialisation in Swedish official discourses 1970-2000, p. 123-141
Björn Eriksson, Maria Stanfors, Industrious migrants: gender and the earnings of migrants in Swedish manufacturing around 1900, p. 142-166
Sigríður Matthíasdóttir, Þorgerður J. Einarsdóttir, Female enterprise on a transnational border: the entrepreneurial agency of an East Icelandic businesswoman, Pálína Waage (1864-1935), p. 167-180
Kirsi Laine, Responsibility, trust and gender in the economic decision-making of peasant households: enclosure in Southwest Finland 1760-1820, p. 181-194
Astrid Elkjær Sørensen, Stinne Skriver Jørgensen, Maja Meiland Hansen, Half a century of female wage disadvantage: an analysis of Denmark's public wage hierarchy in 1969 and today, p. 195-215

v. 70, 2022, 1

Klas Rönnbäck, Leos Müller, Swedish East India trade in a value-added analysis, c. 1730-1800, p. 1-18
Åsa Malmström Rognes, The evolution of capital adequacy rules - The contrasting cases of Sweden and Britain, p. 19-32
Håkan Lindgren, 'Over-indebtedness' - or not? Household debt accumulation and risk exposure in nineteenth century Sweden, p. 33-56
Elise M. Dermineur, The evolution of credit networks in pre-industrial Finland, p. 57-86
Saara Matala, Negotiating bilateralism: the Finnish-Soviet clearing trade and payment system, 1952-1990, p. 87-107

v. 69, 2021, 3

Paul Sharp, Special issue on 'Agriculture and economic development', p. 197
María Isabel Ayuda, Vicente Pinilla, Agricultural exports and economic development in Spain during the first wave of globalisation, p. 199
Árni Daníel Júlíusson, Agricultural growth in a cold climate: the case of Iceland in 1800-1850, p. 217
Kristin Ranestad, Connecting formal education and practice to agricultural innovation in Denmark (1860s-1920): a note on sources and methods, p. 233
Natalia Rozinskaya, Alexander Sorokin, Dimitry Artamonov, Peasants' inequality and stratification: evidence from pre-revolutionary Russia, p. 253
Antonie Doležalová, A stolen revolution. The political economy of the land reform in interwar Czechoslovakia, p. 278
Gloria Sanz Lafuente, Atoms for feeding: radioisotopes from the laboratory to the market, 1946-1960, p. 301

v. 69, 2021, 2

Lars Karlsson, Henric Häggqvist, Peter Hedberg, Market structure and efficiency in Swedish commercial banking, 1912-1938, p. 103
Mikko Moilanen, Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, 'I will learn from it for as long as I live' - Religious reading and functional literacy skills, p. 124
Nikita Lychakov, The distributional effect of a financial crisis: Russia 1899-1905, p. 140
Per Högselius, Yunwei Song, Extractive visions: Sweden's quest for China's natural resources, 1913-1917, p. 158
Jakob Starlander, Conflict and negotiation: management of forest commons in seventeenth-century Northern Finland, p. 177

v. 69, 2021, 1

Zenonas Norkus, Vaidas Morkevicius, Jurgita Markeviciute, From warfare to welfare states? Social and military spending in the Baltic States 1918-1940, p. 1
Martin Klesment, Kersti Lust, Short-term economic stress and mortality differentials in rural Estonia, 1834-1884, p. 22
Svante Prado, Christer Lundh, Kristoffer Collin, Kerstin Enflo, Labour and the 'law of one price': regional wage convergence of farm workers in Sweden, 1757-1980, p. 41
Sverre A. Christensen, Dubrowka - a free-standing company from a Norwegian family-network capitalism, p. 63
Rodney Edvinsson, Klas Eriksson, Gustav Ingman, A real estate price index for Stockholm, Sweden 1818-2018: putting the last decades housing price boom in a historical perspective, p. 83

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