Romae, Gesuiti, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu
ISSN: 0037-8887
Conservata in: Prato, Archivio Storico Diocesano (Fondo Società Pratese di Storia Patria) - Coll.: R. 200
Consistenza: a. I, 1932, 1-
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1932 ]
Ilaria Maggiulli, Il Collegio dei nobili di Napoli e Giovan Battista Manso (1567-1645): "Una radunanza de' giovani per buona educazione nelli costumi e buone creanze, nelle lettere e scienze", p. 261
Robert Danieluk SJ, Jesuits and the Church in Light of the Society's Roman Archives: Some Examples, p. 291
Enrique García Hernán, Ignacio de Loyola y las mujeres (1491-1524): algunas puntualizaciones, p. 317
Josep M. Margenat SJ, La construcción de la santidad de
Ignacio de Loyola: la Cova "inventada", p. 339
Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2023 (Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ), p. 371
Book Reviews, p. 571
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 621
Index volume XCII, p. 637
Camilla Russell, Developments at IHSI in 2023 and the Papal Suppression of the Worldwide Society of Jesus (1773-1814): Marking 250 Years, p. 1
Alexandre Coello de la Rosa, Luis J. Abejez, Bernardo Bitti y Diego Martínez: dos protagonistas de la pastoral de los jesuitas en Perú entre los siglos XVI y XVII, p. 5
Carla Benocci, I Gesuiti a Castel Gandolfo e ad Albano (secoli XVII-XVIII): agricoltura, villeggiatura e rifugio degli esuli portoghesi, p. 55
Alessandra Acconci, La Gloria di santa Sinforosa in Sant'Angelo in Pescheria a Roma. Un dipinto inedito di Rutilio Clementi?, p. 127
Maria Mangiafesta, La Congregazione Mariana dell'Assunta o dei Nobili, Roma 1593: alcuni documenti dal suo Archivio storico, p. 159
Thomas M. McCoog SJ, A Short Life, p. 189
Book Reviews, p. 205
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 247
Daniel Canaris, Thierry Meynard SJ, Robert Danieluk SJ, Two Letters of Francesco Brancati in Exile at Canton (1668–69), p. 379
Frances Nieduszyńska, An Italian Jesuit in Late Elizabethan England: Carlo Spinola's 1598 Letter to Claudio Acquaviva, p. 419
Christoph Sander, Jesuit Science Revisited: Scope, Usefulness, and Challenges of a Historiographical Label, p. 461
Francisco Malta Romeiras, Researching the Modern Jesuit Library: A Case Study from Portugal's Campolide Library, p. 495
Bibliography, p. 541
Book Reviews, p. 785
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 839
Camilla Russell, 2021-2022: A Year of Anniversaries, Deaths,
and New Developments in Jesuit History, p. 5
Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo S.J., Reconocimiento de la santidad de Ignacio de Loyola, 1556-1622, p. 9
Bradley T. Blankemeyer, Conversos, Accommodation, and the Goan Inquisition: The First Five Decades of the Society of Jesus in India, between Theory and Practice, p. 83
Antonio De Caro, Zhenxu Fan, Thierry Meynard S.J., A Concealed Reading for Early Chinese Christians: Text, Context, and Circulation of the Discourse on Vegetarianism (Su shuo) in the Early Modern Period, p. 121
Mirella Saulini, Attribuire un significato a "muliebris habitus". I personaggi femminili nel teatro dei Gesuiti, p. 159
Antony Mechern S.J., On the Errors of the East Syrians (by Francisco Ros S.J., 1586): An Introduction with English Translation of a Latin-Syriac Treatise from Early Modern Malabar, p. 187
Agustín Udías S.J., The Society of Jesus and the Sciences in the Modern Era: A Finding List of Books by Jesuits in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences (1814-2015), p. 223
Book Reviews, p. 297
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 369
Thomas Flowers S.J., Understanding the Early Jesuit Context of "Our Way of Proceeding", p. 253
Gabriel Maria Verd Conradi Sf, Compañía de Jesús y Militia Iesu Christi: su sentido ignaciano en la primera Compañía, p. 279
Lydia Salviucci Insolera, La quinta finestra del Corridoio di S. Ignazio. Nuove scoperte e considerazioni, p. 343
Stefania Tutino, Robert Bellarmine and Me: A Meeting at Four Hundred Years' Distance, p. 369
Bibliography, p. 381
Book Reviews, p. 657
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 731
Index volume XC, p. 744
Thierry Meynard S.J., Yang Hongfan, To Wear or Not to Wear a Hat During Mass? The Canton Conference and Giovanni Francesco de Ferrariis S.J.'s Report of 1668, p. 5
Elisa Frei, Muzio Vitelleschi Replies to Litterae Indipetae: Two Case Studies from the Austrian Province in the Seventeenth Century, p. 63
Leonardo M. Fernandez Otano, Alexis A. Carmona Herrera, La pràctica deportiva en los colegios jesuitas en Cuba entre 1854 y 1940, p. 89
James F. Stokes, Contemporary Debates on the Indigenous Populations of the Jesuit-Guarani Missions: An Overview, p. 117
Emanuele Colombo, A proposito di Giovanni Battista Elianto S.J. (1530-1589): note a margine di A Jewish Jesuit, di Robert Clines, p. 137
Book Reviews, p. 153
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 211
Works at ARSI, p. 212